I can no longer wear any of my pre-preggy pants, and am loving my recent CherryMelon purchases I made on the Spree app. They even delivered to my tiny town within 10 days! Now that's impressive. I'm a HUGE fan of their linen shorts, and the side guage T-shirts are so flattering and comfy. I've never felt 100% comfy wearing tight tops, even though I've always been in pretty good shape. My body shape is on the curvy side, and I've always felt a bit self conscious wearing tight tops around my tummy. But now, I'm all for showing off my belly and love that I no longer have to hold my tummy in all the's wonderful!
Being here on the farm is also much easier when it comes to clothes, as I'm mostly in a pair of tracksuit pants or shorts, and Farmboy's baggy shirts. I think I would be having a much harder time if I was living in town and wanted to look nice everyday. Luckily the cows here don't really mind me looking like a scruff ball.
How I’m feeling:
Great! I've been very lucky and had a very easy pregnancy so far. No morning sickness...teeny tiny moments of nausea, and only a bit of fatigue in the first trimester. I have had a few very bad moments of heartburn lately (I've pin pointed to a combination of carbs and fizzy drinks which only happen when we go away for the weekend) and so have stopped buying my favourite Sparkling water from Woolies. Living out on the farm means we don't have a lot of access to treats and other snacks so I'm thankful, and we mainly eat a low carb diet during the week.
I've only had Rennies on hand for the heartburn and it has seemed to help. But I'm making sure to stock up on Gaviscon for our upcoming trip to Italy next week. Any other heartburn remedies you may know? Please let me know in the comments below :)
My eczema has also flared up in the last few weeks, and seems to have made it's way onto my face. The areas around my chin, nose and sides of my lips are SO dry. I've had to completely adjust my skincare routine (let me know if you'd like a post on that too!) and have it sort of under control. The change of seasons has also been a huge culprit so here's hoping my skin settles in the next few weeks.
I'm still not really into tea. Our farm milk is full cream and I find I've gone off having it in my tea & coffee. I have the odd cup of coffee (which I always enjoy when made by my Father-In-Law...I have no idea why?!) but I haven't been very strict with caffeine allowances (or any other diet do's and don'ts when it comes to being pregnant).
I've even been drinking our farm milk (which is unpasteurised...and many mommy-to-be's would be horrified that I've been drinking it) but it's not practical for me to be married to a dairy farmer and living on a dairy farm and not drink the milk. I have found I've naturally gone off the taste so don't drink very much of it anyway.
My cravings throughout my entire pregnancy have been pretty savoury in nature:
- Salt & Vinegar chips with tuna (literally, using the chips to eat the tuna out of the can...don't judge me till you try it!)
- Cheese Doritos
- Hotcross buns
- Pretty much ALL carbs (I have now found pretty a good balance and use cous couse for meals instead of pasta etc when I'm really cravin something filling)
If you're interested in what meals I've been eating, let me know in the comments below and I'll do a post on light/low carb pregnancy meal ideas
What I miss:
- Lying on my tummy. I like to sleep on my side with my one leg pulled up, but my poor tummy just gets squashed and it's sooo uncomfortable.
- My 5 cups of tea a day.
- Easily putting my socks on! Can't believe what a mission this simple task has become!
So far we have our compactum (which I picked up second hand in Durban and after a good scrubbing and a fresh coat of paint it looks as good as new) and I've ordered our cot (from CoziCot which has their showroom in Joburg).
I've bought a few cheapie receiving blankets and bits of fabric to attempt to sew my own pre-folds and flats to use with cloth nappies/diapers. I'll keep you updated with how that goes.
Farmboy gets a shock every time he sees my tummy. It's a very happy shock and he can't resist hugging it and having long chats to his little girl. It's been such a wonderful seeing how excited he gets when he is reminded (by my bulging belly) that he is going to be a Dad soon. He is also very excited to carry her around the farm and take her to the dairy in the early mornings and show her the cows and chickens.
Best part of the week:
Our 20 week ultrasound. We had an in-depth visit with the Sonographer who did a very detailed scan of all of baby's organs and body parts. We were even able to see how full her little bladder was. It was pretty incredible!
But, we are probably going to be moving Gynae's when we get back from our overseas trip mid June. I am really happy with my Gynae, but she charges so far above medical aid rates that it's just ridiculous. Every time we see her it's an extra R800 on top of what medical aid covers. We are on a hospital plan with Momentum, but also have their Maternity plan which is really great. We also have Gap cover for when baby comes and I'm in hospital, but having to pay so much ontop of those fees (especially considering how often the Gynae insists on seeing you!) I think we are going to make a move to a Momentum associated specialist. Luckily I have found another lady not too far away who charges only medical aid rates. I am in two minds about switching, as I have been really happy with my current Gynae. But as my pregnancy has been so easy so far, I don't think I will have any problems moving. And if I find I'm not happy with the new lady, there is still enough time for me to move back. So will keep you updated on that front too.
Can’t wait for:
Our trip to Italy & the Mamamagic Baby Expo next week! I'm in Joburg at the moment seeing family (plus I needed my moms expert sewing hands to get a good start on sewing cloth nappies) and Farmboy will join me next Thursday. We fly to Italy next Friday for a wonderful holiday (or babymoon as it's affectionately called) to adventure, eat all the gelato & pasta and simply enjoy some special alone time before baby gets here in September.
Until the next update!
Lots of love