Someone's going to be a big sister! Baby#2 Arriving February 2019

I am officially 14 weeks pregnant with Everly's little brother/sister, and thought it high time I start documenting this pregnancy before it's all over. Gosh it's VERY different with a second pregnancy, and I am determined to not let time slip by without at least attempting to do everything I did while pregnant with Everly. I'm pretty sure this is not going to be easy, as life with an-almost-toddler is pretty crazy, and some days I feel as though all I've accomplished is keeping my child fed and a good plant haha. But even if that's all I have been able to do, I still give myself a pat on the back, because let's face it fellow one else is going to!

So, let me start at the very beginning.

Everly 11 Months Chakas (37 of 38).jpg

I had an inkling that I was pregnant about 10 weeks ago (just like I did with here to read more about the start of that pregnancy). Again, just the same as what happened with Evs, I took pregnancy test after pregnancy test, because I just 'had a feeling' and all 5 of them came back negative. Then I waited a few more days, took one last one (well, I actually did another 3 after this next one came back positive) and there was no denying the double line. This was just before the Creighton Aloe Festival, where I was going to be setting up and selling Gin cocktails...needless to say I was unable to actually sample any of my exciting homemade cordial concoctions and had to rely on the repeat customers and cheesy gin smiles as the day progressed to know that they were indeed good!

My mom came to visit from Joburg, mainly to babysit Everly while Farmboy and I worked our little bums off day and night at the Aloe doing Gin and setting up the stalls etc and Farmboy who worked many a late night smoking enough pulled pork to feed 1000 people! My mom arrived armed with a ClearBlue Week Calculator pregnancy test and, thank goodness no morning sickness had hit me yet, as I was surrounded by meaty smells and alcohol! The test maxes out at 3-5 weeks so I knew that, 1. I was definitely pregnant, and 2. that I was about 3 -5 weeks pregnant. 

I decided pretty early on that I wasn't going to go for as many scans as my first pregnancy, and only popped into a GP with a very old scan machine to do a very basic check up. She struggled to find baby, and eventually found a little blob and a which was a bit of a dissapointment to be honest. She thought I was actually not as far along as I had thought, but still, it was nice to get a visual confirmation and see the strong and healthy heartbeat.

From about weeks 6 - 10 I had terrible morning sickness, something I didn't have at all with Everly (could this be a sign that this little bundle is a boy???) and I've also had all the same symptoms as before...spots on my back, dry and cracked heels, having to go to the bathroom CONSTANTLY, and feeling incredibly tired around weeks 6 - 8. My tummy also POPPED around week 10. I have done very little exercise (I'm going to blame those weeks of nausea but in reality, now that i feel back to my old self, I've just been plain old lazy). I am determined to get back to Pilates, and keep up with walks around the farm. I have also not been very good about drinking water, and have been AWFUL with snacks and junk food (again, I want to blame those weeks of nausea but in reality I know I've just been lazy to cook healthy meals) but I am suffering because of it and it's not fair on the little growing life inside of me. As of tomorrow it's back to low carb/Banting (mostly) and no more sugary drinks!

This week I went along to a Gynae for my first official scan and check up. Baby is doing well and was so lively on the scan, waving his/her hands about and kicking up a storm. She estimated my delivery date to be the 22nd February, but if I end up having a cesar (I am hoping to be able to make my VBAC *vaginal birth after cesarian* dreams come true as I ended up having an emergency cesar with Everly, after a VERY long 40 hours of post to come on my birth story soon) then baby will be here around the 8th Feb. I went into labor at 37+6 days and Everly was born exactly on the 38th week. So, this new little one may also arrive early.

Everly 11 Months Chakas (9 of 38).jpg

Finding out that I was indeed pregnant, was a HUGE shock for both Farmboy and myself. While we both wanted more kids (and the fact that I wasn't on any form of contraceptive....mostly because I didn't want to put my body through any more doses of hormones after being on the Pill for 15 years before Everly). It's just that we hadn't planned for their to be such a short gap in-between our little ones, or that I would fall pregnant so quickly. I am in no ways complaining, it's a 'hashtag' blessing (sorry, I couldn't hep myself with that '#' considering how it gets bandied about these days) to be able to fall pregnant without any complications and I am in awe of what a woman's body is able do...carry and grow a life...but at the same time, I was filled with so many mixed emotions. Just before I found out I was pregnant, I was feeling fantastic, I was back down to my pre-pregnancy weight (and then some!) and was just feeling so healthy! I was just getting used to my body again, feeling strong. This definitely contributed to the feelings of shock.

Another reason for the shocked emotions was because up until that time I was still breastfeeding Everly, like, a lot! I was feeding her 4-5 times a day, and while I have always known that breastfeeding is definitely not a hard and fast form of contraception, it is more on the unusual side to fall pregnant when feeding so frequently. I only had one period (when Everly was about 7/8 months old) and then I guess the next month I fell pregnant. I think around the 7 month mark I had dropped her night/early morning feed and so my body must have started getting ready to make more babies. In case you're still wondering, I am still breastfeeding Everly, but am slowly weaning. She has had absolutely no issue with dropping feeds so far (since a week ago I now only feed her twice a day, when she wakes up in the morning, and when she goes to bed at night). I had initially planned to breastfeed until a year (she will be a year in just under 2 weeks time!!!) but I've loved our journey so far (click here to read our breastfeeding story), and if I wasn't currently pregnant, I would probably carry on until she decided she had had enough. I still seem to have enough milk for her, but she eats her solids really well and has even continued to sleep through on the od occasion I haven't been around to feed her at bedtime, so I know she probably isn't needing the feeds much anymore. I know that its going to be a very bittersweet moment when I give her her last feed, but at the same time, I would like a few months of my boobs back before the next little one is here and I am back to being the in-house dairy cow :)

Everly 11 Months Chakas (8 of 38).jpg

I also had a lot of up and downs in the very beginning, mostly because I felt like 'I already have a baby' and Everly really was just a baby at that time. And she is still pretty much going to be a baby (in my eyes at least) when her little sibling is born. But I am encouraged by all the moms I know who take the small age gap in their stride. And it's happening either way, whether I am mentally prepared or not! I'm just going to have to roll with the punches, I mean nappies (because boy oh boy are there going to be a lot of them! Although we are hoping Everly will have started potty training by them...she has been in cloth nappies since the very beginning and from what I have read, it seems cloth nappies really help with potty training...we will have to wait and see!).

You can read more about my first pregnancy, as well as all my pregnancy posts by scrolling through the images below (just click and you will be taken to the full post). I'm hoping to make some more videos like I did for my first pregnancy, so please do keep me accountable for those!

As always, thanks for following along.


Pregnancy Essentials - A list of things I couldn't have lived without during my pregnancy

My Pregnancy Essentials List - Items that have made my pregnancy happy & comfortable CityGirlSearching_Artboard 4.png

Yesterday (19th September) was my official due date, and so I had planned to have this post up a few days ago.

However, my little girl decided to surprise us all by arriving exactly 2 weeks early.

Let's just say, life with a newborn has been a wild ride so far (a good, fun ride at that) but still a rather crazy rollercoaster of ups and downs. So far (touch wood!) she sleeps verrrrryyyyy well, and feeds like a dream. This is why I am able to pop the odd blog post up every few days or so. By the way, I share a lot more over on Instaram & Instagram Stories (click here to follow along) so head on over there if you'd like to see a bit more of the behind the scenes.

And now back to this post of my pregnancy essentials. These are all things that helped me cope with the highs and lows of 9 months of growing a teeny tiny human. If there is anything you feel deserves a mention that you found helped you in your preganncy, please leave me a comment below, I'd love to hear from you and I'm sure the rest of my readers would too!



Stretchy Tops

I bought all of my Cherry Melon maternity wear online through the Spree app on my phone. Spree often have amazing discounts and specials and so I was able to buy most of my items at a discount. Throughout my pregnancy I bought a pair of their linen shorts (they have an awesome stretch waistband!), two of their capped sleeve T-shirts, 2 vests, 1 pair of leggings and a strappy tank top. The tank top and T-shirts were worn the most by me (especially the pretty coral coloured one pictured above) and as it was Winter, I wore the strappy tank top just about every day.


Bath & Shower Essentials

Bio-Oil, Epimax bath oil & Epimax cream

My skin went through all kinds of different phases. My face broke at at the beginning, and then my eczema flared up (click here to read how I coped with Winter dryness and eczema) and so I used just about all of the products in the Epimax range. I loved the Epimax & Epimax Junior bath oil for showering and bathing, and then used the Epimax & Epimax Junior cream all over my body. I did also use Epizone which has a similar formulation to the Epimax but is a little bit cheaper. I bought all of those products at Dischem.

I then liberally applied Bio-Oil all over my tummy, boobs, thighs and bum every day and am happy to report that I only got two little stretch marks under one of my boobs. Not bad going considering I put on about 20kg's of weight during my pregnancy. I also drank a lot of water and tried to do as much exercise as my body allowed me to (the best being pilates). I think the Pilates helped keep not just my muscles supple, but my skin nice and flexible too.


Heat Device

Hot water bottle or a Wheatie (microwave bean bag)

Towards the end of my pregnancy, I got horrible back pain (click here to read more). I did eventually go to a physio which sorted me out in two ticks, but before and after my physio session I used a wheatie bean bag and/or hot waterbottle to soothe all the aches and pains. 


Craft Project

Crochet baby blanket

Ah yes, this 'little' project is probably what kept me sane during the 9 months. A friend of mine (Candice) introduced me to the wonderful world of crochet, and from the first stitch I was hooked (see what I did there hehe). And silly me thought making a baby blanket would be the best project to start with. Well, needless to say, I am STILL not finished the blanket (to be fair, I have kept changing and adding squares and borders to make it bigger) and I was still crocheting while in labor two weeks ago. I am just about done though, and I can't wait to wrap my little girl up in it (just in time for the sweltering heat of summer!).

I'll be sure to share photos with you once it's done.


Caffeine Free Drink

Lemon, Ginger & Honey Tea

I drank the odd cup of tea and coffee throughout my pregnancy, but I definitely went off milk and so my 5 cups of tea a day habit went down to one. To make sure I was drinking enough fluids (and because water is so boring) I got into the wonderful habit of drinking lemon, ginger and honey tea. Simply pour hot water over a few slices of fresh lemon, a slice or two of fresh ginger and a teaspoon of honey, let steep for a few minutes and voila! It's really good for you, cleanses your system and has loads of vitamins to keep you health.


Face Cloth

This was to use in the bath, to keep my huge tummy warm. We have a HUGE bath and yet my round belly would always stick out above the water and I'd get cold very quickly. I ended up having a few face cloths on hand to keep me warm.


Prenatal Vitamins

PregOmega Plus

I've spoken more about prenatal vitamins in this blog post , but the PregOmega Plus is the brand I ended up liking the most and am still taking now. It's one of the pricier brands on the market, but I would wait until it went on special at Clicks or Dischem (or at the Baby Expo!) and then stock up.


Comfortable Bras

Mr Price Sports Bras 

I lived in these sports bras from Mr Price since week 1 of pregnancy. They have removable padding (which I didn't ever remove because the pads are soft and I like having a little 'lift' in that area) and are very soft. 




Not much more needs to be said about having your feet comfy :)


Comfortable PJ's

Soft & stretchy cotton nightie from Woolworthes

These nighties from Woolies are the absolute BOMB! I wore them throughout my pregnancy, and have found them to be the most comfortable thing to wear for breastfeeding. They have enough support in the boob area to hold breast pads now, and they are so oft and comfortable. They are also very stretchy and so are not restricting on the tummy as your belly grows and grows.

the items that helped make  my pregnancy happy &  comfortable so far

So there you have it, my list of things that helped make the past 9 months as comfortable as possible.

Is there anything that you found to be essential for you during your pregnancy that I've left out? I'd love to hear from you in the comments below!

I've linked up all my pregnancy posts here. Simply click each post to read more:

Dischem Baby Bag - Freebies for the soon-to-be Mommy

Who doesn't love freebies?! The Dischem Baby Bag was one of the first freebies I found out about while being pregnant. It's filled with loads of awesome little goodies, in full sizes and travel sizes and while I don't plan on using a lot of the brands given, it's always nice to have them on hand for those 'just in case' moments.

To receive the baby bag, you need to register for the Dischem Baby Programme.

How do you Join the Baby Programme?

You can do this in one of two ways:

  • Register in store at the Customer Service Desk
  • Call the Dischem Careline on 0860 347 243.

How do you qualify for the baby bag?

It's a really simple process. All you have to do is: 

  • register your pregnancy and due date with Dischem (either in-store or using the number posted above)
  • Earn 975 or more Benefit Points (or spend R950 or more) on your Dischem card
  • Book a consultation with our Clinic Sister for sometime between 20 - 26 weeks of your pregnancy (this date range is subject to the careline to make sure of the date exclusions)

The consult includes the following;

  • Blood Pressure Check
  • Evaluation of Pregnancy
  • Information on Immunisation and Dischem Baby Services

Once you have met the above conditions and are in your 28th week or more of pregnancy, a baby bag will be ordered for you. The bag will only be available for collection two weeks after meeting the qualifying conditions. My bag was somehow sent to Balito instead of Pietermaritzburg, and so I had a family member pick it up for you. If you have someone collect it on your behalf, they need a copy of your ID (I sent along my old ID book as I have a new ID card) and they will also need to present your Dischem card.

A notification will be sent to inform you that you have qualified for a bag. Once the bag is available for collection in store you will receive a further notification.

Easy Peasy!

While I at first turned my nose up at the design/pattern of the bag, I have since found it to be an incredibly useful bag for traveling. I packed all of our little one's hospital things in it for labor, and even though I thought I might just give the bag away once I got it, I've used it for often.

I also love that the bag comes with a changing mat...super useful!

Here's a look at what was inside my bag (I have a feeling contents may vary):

Do you know of any other freebies for expecting moms? I'd love to hear from you in the comments below!

Pregnancy update - Week 36 & all the aches and pains

Week 36 Pregnancy Update by Roxy Hutton CityGirlSearching-01.png

Welcome to the next instalment in my pregnancy journey. I'm just a few weeks away from ending my 9 month journey...this is equal parts terrifying and exciting. These progress posts are a way for me to capture these memories and to share my own personal experiences with you.

I hope you enjoy following along!


36 weeks & 6 days


A large Spanspek/Sweet Melon

My last gynae visit put my 'little' girl at the 3.2kg mark. Considering that was 2 weeks ago (and I still had a month to go at that time) I'm pretty sure she is going to be a pretty tubby baba.

My mom was able to come with me to my last scan, and it was just so special. We were able to do a mini 4D scan of her face, and all we could make our were her chubby cheeks and the sweetest button nose. My heart melted, and needless to say there were a few tears shed between both my mom and I.





My little girls seems to have 'dropped'. What I should be noticing is a little more breathing room as we has quite literally moved further down into my pelvis as she makes her way to the birthing canal.

Although my family have said to me they think she has definitely dropped, I have not noticed any more breathing room, and find I am still struggling to breath easily when sitting down. I also get all sorts of aches and pains when sitting, as there is very little room for all my organs right now.



The most incredible thing that has been happening over the past few weeks has been feeling her hiccup! It's just the sweetest thing feeling her little lungs expand and contract as she gets the hiccups.


I've still been going to Pilates, although the last class I went to last week left me feeling very frustarted as I just couldn'

I spent most of the class trying not to be too hard on myself, and just stretching. It's becoming more and more real that my body is preparing itself for pop a little baby out.


Since my last update I've been sleeping really well again. I'm lights out by about 9:30/10pm and then I wake up to go to the loo when Farmboy gets up at 4am to start his day (he has to be at milking by 4:30am which is going to be very handy when baby arrives...he can be in charge of feeding/nappy changes at that time!).


I've still been living in my H&M maternity leggings and coupled with a long strecthy Cherry Melon vest, I've been able to continue wearing my T-shirts and other long sleeve tops (although these are definitely rather stretched due to my bulging belly.

This is me and Uncle Dave (my younger brother). Dave is going to make the most wonderful Uncle to our little girl, he is so excited to meet her.

This is me and Uncle Dave (my younger brother). Dave is going to make the most wonderful Uncle to our little girl, he is so excited to meet her.

I've also really been enjoying wearing my CherryMelon dresses now that we have had a few days of warm & very Spring like weather.


I have had a wonderful past 2 weeks, with no aches or pains. I experienced really terrible upper back pain around weeks 30 - 32, but after a session with the Physio I have been pain free for the last couple of weeks.

Over the last week or so I have also been experiencing lots of Braxton Hicks contractions. At first I didn't really know that that was what was happening to my tummy, but I've since realised these practice contractions (my stomach literally gets rock hard) are my body's way of gearing up for the big day!

I had a special friend, Claire (who Farmboy and I first met on the plane ride to South Korea back in 2010) come and stay with us here on the farm. I picked her up at the airport and she treated us both to a magical afternoon at Talloula's in Botha's Hill.

Talloula has a Garden Spa and had just advertised an amazing 2 for 1 special. We had lunch and drinks on arrival, as well as both leg & back exfoliation and massages for R495. It was SUCH a treat!

After physio and the spa treatment at Taloula I was feeling fantastic. But alas, it was not to last. This past weekend I well and truly over did it on Farmboy's and my little weekend break at the coast. Farmboy and I had a wonderful long weekend away in Balito, and even managed to fit in the MamaMagic Baby Expo. I think this was the start of the end for me) and I've had swollen and puffy legs, feet and ankles and found it next to impossible to get comfortable in the car on the 2.5 hour journey back from Balito to the farm. I think my body is trying to tell me something ;)

I've also been getting a lot of strange 'pressure pains' from really low down. My girl is lying head down and so often moves around & puts A LOT of pressure onto my bladder. I've actually cried out a few times (and really scared passerby's whom I quickly assure that I'm okay and not actually about to pop a baby out right then and there). It's not so much painful as it is uncomfortable, and I'm pretty sure one if these days it's going to be a sign of my waters breaking so I better mentally prepare for that!


As with the rest of my pregnancy, I haven't really had any intense cravings or versions to things.

I have moved on from my staple lemon, honey & ginger tea and have been drinking a lot of lemon water (we have a huge lemon tree in our garden so I have been trying to make the most of the fresh fruit!).


  • Sleeping on my stomach 
  • Being able to sit on a chair/in the car comfortably
  • Not snoring! Apparently, I have developed a bit of a snoring habit (according to Farmboy...I'm not sure I believe him though!) and after doing some research, it seems like a lot of pregnant ladies start snoring through pregnancy. It's got something to do increased swelling, but the good news is if you didn't snore before being pregnant, it should go away once baby is here
  • Being able to breathe easily. I have become a very heavy breather in my third trimester (thanks to baby taking up all the room in my tummy and not leaving any space for my lungs!)


Farmboy and I went to the baby expo and stocked up on lots of Pure Beginnings goodies (the wipes and body wash were hugely discounted), a Baby Throne Potty (click here to find out more about this very cool potty/toilet training seat that you can start using from about +-4months or as soon as baby can sit unsupported) and a few other bits and pieces.

My hospital bag is now just about ready (filled with snacks which I picked up this weekend).  

I have also been washing and preparing all the things for baby's bag.

According to the list we got from our hospital (Mediclinic in Pietermaritzburg) we need to pack lots of clothes too. I"m sure she will spend most of her first few days in vests & swaddled in blankets, but I want to make sure I've got a few items of clothing packed just in case. These things I've packed into ziplock bags so the dirty clothes can be put back in the bags and taken home to wash.

And of course, her going home outfit is all set too!

I just can't wait to dress her and pop her in her car seat for her first ride home. We stay about 2 hours from the hospital, so she's going to have a good long time to get used to the car. Here's hoping she is easy on car trips.



Farmboy has been amazing over the past few days (jumping up from his man-cave...yup, he has one room in the house that isn't grey and rush to the bedroom & massage my swollen legs and feet.) He also did incredibly well at the baby expo, managing to stay positive and supportive of my 'must-buy-all-the-things' nesting tendencies, and helping me stay on track with regards to what is and what isn't really necessary.  

We have also finalised our Doula, whom I have met with and have on speed dial. She has been so great so far, answering all my questions and just being very encouraging and supportive so far. 

Here is a photo of us from a recent snow expedition we did a few weeks back to Underberg. We didn't find any snow on the ground, but we were able to see the beautiful snowcapped peaks just near Sani Pass.

Snow in Underberg Kwazulu Natal South Africa by Roxy Hutton CityGirlSearching (19 of 21).jpg


Although I have had more aches and pains in the last week than I have had my entire pregnancy, I am still not wanting to wish this time away. I'm enjoying slow, late mornings of pottering around the house doing chores and enjoying long hot soaks in the bath.

I really don't have long to go now (+- 3 weeks!), and so I"m going to try and make the most of the time we have left.

Thanks for reading and following in this next chapter of my life. Click below to read more updates in my pregnancy series, as well as all my other pregnancy related posts:

Pregnancy Update - Week 32: Engage Full time nesting mode!

Welcome to the next instalment in my pregnancy journey. I'm nearing the end of my 9 month journey (this is equal parts terrifying and exciting) and these posts are a way for me to capture these memories and share my experience. 

I hope you enjoy following along!


32 weeks a.k.a 8 months (eeek!)


My little girl is on the larger end of the scale, and has been for a little while now. My gynae estimates her weight at about 2.7k's (pretty frightening considering she has about 8 weeks of growing still to do!).

I'm not sure the generic food comparisons are quite right anymore for our 'little' one hehe


I'm not sure what's happened over the last month, but either the scale is lying to me, or need to accept the reality...I've gained a total of 15kg's so far. Seeing as our bundle is on the bigger side too, perhaps my body is wanting to make sure she doesn't feel so out of place when she arrives ;)



Well no one is going to confuse my belly with anything but a baby bump now. It seems that everybody loves a pregnant lady, and I get all sorts of smiles and happy faces and well wishes from strangers wherever I go.

Those smiles never ceases to leave me feeling happy.


Goodness me has she been kicking up a fuss lately. I actually cried out in the mall the other day after she gave me the biggest kick yet, and then hastily had to reassure the people around me that, no, I wasn't going into labor, and yes, I was okay.


Still loving my Pilates, and try to stick to my twice weekly schedule. Although, I have been struggling for the past 2 weeks with her pushing my stomach and lungs around, often leaving me breathless and like I'm going to regurgitate my lunch.


Sleep for the past few weeks hasn't been great at all. I'm up at least twice a night to go to the bathroom, and I have to sleep with 3 for my head, one between my knees and one around my tummy. Poor Farmboy is not very pleased about this, as he often wakes up just in time to catch himself from falling out of bed.


I've been living in my H&M maternity leggings and my go-to Cherry Melon vest that goes under all my clothes. Luckily the vest ensures I can still wear my pre-preggy tops because it doesn't matter if they creep.


I have been getting the WORST upper back pain for the past 2 weeks. It's one spot, above my right shoulder that aches and aches and aches if I over exert myself. I'm not sure whether I pulled something at some point, but it's been awful. I think it's my body's way of reminding me to take it easy and not over do myself.

I've been for a wonderful full body massage (in case your wondering how it's possible to have a fully body massage when you can't lie on your tummy...basically you're on your back or your side as the therapist does their thing) and I'm going again tomorrow in the hopes that I can get a bit more relief from the pain. A very helpful lady at Clicks also told me I could use DeepHeat spray, which I did yesterday and which did provide a bit of relief. I have also been told to use a hot water bottle/wheaty bag which is safe for baby too. 

My friends and family also threw me the most amazing baby shower a few weeks ago. I was completely blown away by how beautiful everything was, the attention to detail was out of this world and I was left feeling so totally and utterly loved and spoilt. Will be sharing more photos from the day soon.


I haven't really had any of the above, although I have been hankering after sushi for the first time in my entire pregnancy. We've never been huge sushi eaters, but for some reason it's been on my mind (and tummy!) a lot lately. Not too long to go until I can really tuck in to some salmon rolls.

I have still been been drinking A LOT of hot lemon tea (boiling water poured over a few slices of lemon and ginger mixed with honey) which has become my staple drink. It really leaves me feeling refreshed and I try to drink a cup on an empty stomach in the morning to give my body a good start.


  • Sleeping through the night!
  • Not having back pain
  • Sleeping on my stomach
  • Being fully submerged in the bath! Now my belly just pokes out and gets cold, leaving me unable to really relax and enjoy the bath.


Thanks to the baby shower, our little girl now has just about everything she needs, and we have been putting all the final touches to her room.

I have also been spending the past few days washing all her blankets, nappies (we are going the cloth nappy route!) and towels. It's made my heart fill with such joy to see all the little baby things hanging on the line. Another huge thank you to my Dad and stepmom for spoiling our little girl with so many practical and thoughtful gifts and baby related items.

The moses basket is a family heirloom, and a very special item in the nursery. I can't wait for our little girl to have her turn to sleep where her family have also slept.

Farmboy has put up my framed photographs above the cot.

There are no words to describe how amazing it is seeing your work displayed in printed form. A very big thank you to my wonderful mom for having them printed and framed for me. 


Lots of last minute purchases have been happening, the majority of which have been items for my hospital bag. After having so many people ask me whether my hospital bag was packed (it wasn't until just yesterday!) I realised I better get on it pronto. 

Here's a pic of what's inside it so far (full post to come soon):

I also got hospital authorisation from Momentum & booked our bed in our chosen hospital (we are going to Mediclinic in Pietermaritzburg). We had to pop in and sign some documents which meant we were able to have a quick tour of the maternity ward. It was such a special moment, walking around the ward and hearing the soft cries of other babies and meeting the nurses.

Needless to say I was in tears...the happy kind of course!


Farmboy is patiently waiting for endless afternoons digging in the garden, showing her the cows, chickens and horses, and taking her for long walks around the farm. Here's a lovely photo of us in the place he loves to spend his free time...the veggie garden. Thank you to Julie for the special photo.

We go for our antenatal class this weekend (I managed to find a one day workshop so we don't have to make the big trip to town every week) and I'm so looking forward to attending this with him. I think it's going to really open both our eyes to what's to come. We will also be chatting with the two ladies who run the workshop, one of which is a doula and the other a midwife. We will be asking one of them to be with us for the birth of our baby. Will keep you posted on that.


The full reveal of photographs from the maternity shoot I modelled for a few weeks ago!

I organised a collaboration out here on the farm, amongst the aloes, and had an incredible team of creatives join in.

Here are a few sneak peeks of the day from Julie (of Julia Jane Photography & Design): 

A huge thank you to the following people for bringing my maternity shoot ideas to life:

Thanks for reading and following in this next chapter of my life. Click below to read more updates in my pregnancy series, as well as all my other pregnancy related posts:

Until the next update!

Lots of love


My Joburg Baby Shower

If you're new around the parts I thought I'd give you a little background info into me and my life at the moment. I'm originally from Joburg (this is where most of my family stay) but I live on a dairy farm in a teeny town called Creighton with my wonderful husband, always referred to as Farmboy, and our assortment of rescue pets (including our gorgeous Korean rescue pup, Shadow, who made the big move across the seas from South Korea last year where we had been living since 2013). He was even at the baby shower to celebrate with us!

I am pregnant with my first little one baby, I'm sure you'll quickly be able to guess what our little bundle is from the photos below, whom we will be welcoming into our family in September this year.

Here are some very special photos from the baby shower my mom and friends threw for me last month in Joburg. It was so wonderful to celebrate our little one with all my family and friends whom I don't get to see much now that I live so far away.

The photos were taken by my mom (she's an avid photographer too!) and a there are a few that I managed to sneak in before being told to put my camera away and just enjoy the festivities :)

Our little girl was thoroughly spoilt and I've been having so much fun going through all her things and getting her room ready. 

A huge thank you to all my friends and family who came to celebrate with us.

Click below to see more pregnancy posts:

Pregnancy Update - Week 28 Hello to the third and final Trimester


28 weeks a.k.a 7 months (eeek the countdown has begun!)


My little girl is the size of a cauliflower apparently (41cm) , and according to the WhatToExpect pregnancy app, she weighs 1.1kg.

But here's the thing.

Three weeks ago I went to the Gynae and he said she weighed about 2kg's at that point and definitely commented on how big she was and even gave me a new expected delivery date of nearly 10 days earlier than previously thought based on her weight and size. Considering she has about 3 more months of growing to do, she could be one rather big baby!

Will have to wait and see what Doc says at my next appointment (which is at the end of this week). I'll keep you updated :)


I am rather chuffed to report that I am about the same weight as my last post 3 weeks ago. I have put on about 12kg's so far, but it seems to be holding steady (for the time being at least!)


I don't really feel any bigger than my last update. I am still carrying very neatly (I have been told girls are much kinder on the bod that boys) and haven't seemed to put on any weight in any other areas apart from my expanding belly. I am definitely not as fit or toned as I was pre-pregnancy (I'm going to also blame this on it being Winter) but for the most part my bump is where I am carrying all the extra weight.


I feel her all bumbling around all day, and find that she is particularly active at night, just before going to sleep. Is this an indication of things to come? I hope not!

Her little butterfly kicks are also not just little taps, and I can feel her moving around, turning and generally kicking up a bit of a fuss. It's so sweet!


I have been back to Pilates for the last 3 weeks and I feel great! I really missed it while we were away and I can feel how much happier my body is from all the stretching 


Sleep for me has been a bit up and down over the last 2 weeks. I have been more tired lately. It's like my body instantly changed from second to third trimester, and I now really need my afternoon naps again.

Also, I've been getting really bad sciatica (or hip pain) which may even be round-ligament pain...all of the pains associated with the pulling and stretching that is going on in my body. Because of this, I now HAVE to sleep with a pillow between my knees or else I wake up with terrible aches in my hip bones. Pilates has definitely been helping, and the pillow seems to do the trick too. 

I had fleeting moments of this same pain while in Italy, but I assumed it was because the beds were all so hard.  I think it had nothing to do with the beds and all to do with my ligaments stretching. I'm not sure if you've ever slept on the floor (i.e on the floor with no mattress) while camping etc? And you wake up and need to almost pound the life back into your hips? We often slept on the floor in South Korea (in case your new around these parts...Farmboy and I taught English and lived in South Korea for 4 years before settling on the family farm last year). And so I assumed the pain was due to my spoiled body being used to soft and cushy seems it's just a pregnancy thing.


I've been living in baggy tracksuit pants and long sleeve shirts layered with vests and tank tops underneath. I haven't needed to put on anything nice as I haven't been to town in a while (thank goodness I live on a farm and no one minds me looking like I just crawled out of bed).

What I have been loving is my pretty pink poncho from PicknPay clothing! It's so cosy (and not to mention...pretty!) and it's great to layer over long sleeve tops.


I'm definitely not feeling as fantastic as I did in my second trimester. The hip pain, coupled with a few moments of back pain and tiredness have left me feeling a bit down. But, I can't really complain, I've had it so easy to far so a few weeks of discomfort I can put up with.

It's my birthday next week...I'm hoping Farmboy has taken all my hinting and booked me a spa day! Although, it's not easy finding a place that caters for preggy ladies (I can't lie on my stomach and I can't really get a back massage if I'm lying on my back, can I). 

I have been REALLY getting into my crocheting too! Having so much fun making squares and my goal is a big baby blankie. I even managed to finish my first ever crochet project...a teeny tiny little beanie/turban thingy for my little girl.  It was easy to make and the best part is it only took a few hours...Click here for the full tutorial.


Haven't had any funny cravings or aversions really. I've been drinking a little more caffeine lately (nothing nicer than a warm cup of coffee while sitting in the sun on the verandah) but I've been limiting myself to 1/2 cup a day.

I have been drinking A LOT of hot lemon tea (boiling water poured over a few slices of lemon and ginger mixed with honey) which has become my staple drink. It really leaves me feeling refreshed and acts as a bit of a detox from all the carbs of Italy.


  • Lying on my tummy. I am never going to stop missing this!
  • Being able to bend over and paint my toe nails. I did this last week and my gosh it took me an age! I had to contort myself in all sorts of directions so I could remove the polish, file, cut and re-paint. I'm so glad no one was around to see me ;)


Farmboy has put up our cot (we bought the Cozi Stijl cot from CoziCot in Joburg while it was on special a few months ago) and it has sat in it's box for a good while. It's finally up and I just love it!


I picked up my feeding chair a few weeks ago, and got a bit of a shock at it's size. I'm not sure whether I am just really small, or whether the chair is abnormally big!

Here's a picture so you can see just how roomy it is.

feeding chair south african mommy blogger

I'm definitely not complaining as it's incredible comfortable, and the cushion is real down feathers, so I'm sure I'm going to have plenty of naps in there while feeding. I bought it second hand from a lady in Hillcrest and have needed to get it recovered. I will be picking it up on Friday. I'm hoping the fabric I chose for it won't be too dark for the room (I went with a gorgeous dark grey almost velvet fabric) which will suit our home in the future too, after the chair does it's nursery duties.

I just need to get some big pillows for it, and a ottoman/pouffe thingy for my legs (and to help me launch myself into it haha). 


I'm not sure what else needs to be said that hasn't been captured in this photo:


Like I said last time, I'm actually really trying to savour the next few days/weeks/months. I'm trying to really enjoy the quiet days of being in the house, sorting/cleaning/organising things on my own schedule, and I just know thats ALL going to change soon.

I've been trying to be intentional with a few late morning lie ins, and having the time to crochet for hours on end in front of the fire. I'm excited for our next gynae visit this week though, and to hear from him whether little one is still growing at such a rapid rate as she was at our last visit.

Until the next update!

Lots of love


For moms, by moms - a list of newborn, baby & nursery essentials

A few months ago I reached out to my friends on Facebook and asked them the following question:

"Mommy friends, I'm wanting to write a blog post on newborn/baby/nursery items you couldn't live without. Please pop me a comment below with those things you loved/found so useful/couldn't live without <3

Please include the brand names you liked!"

Here is a list of items/tips/recommendations & advice that my wonderful (and experienced!) mommy friends shared with me. I hope you find their thoughts as helpful as I did, and if there is anything else you'd like to add please feel free to leave a comment below: 

list of newborn, baby  and nursery essentials

I am so thankful to all my friends who took the time to leave their thoughts. If there is anything you feel is missing, or you have some more items you think are MUST HAVE's to add to the above, then please feel free to leave me a comment! As a first time mommy-to-be, I'd love to hear from you.

Pregnancy Update - Week 25

25 weeks pregnant south african blogger citygirlsearching

Following on from my last pregnancy update (click here to read more) I am back and sharing more about my second trimester. 

Farmboy and I just got back from a magical 3 week holiday in Italy (cleverly disguised as our babymoon!) and I have to say, traveling while being 6 months pregnant was far more manageable than I expected. Plus, everyone loves a preggy lady, and there are loads of travel perks to being pregnant (skipping the que at the airport, being offered seats on buses and trains...and being allowed to use the bathroom for free!!!). That last one may sound a bit odd, but considering the public bathrooms in Italy cost a small fortune (especially in the bigger cities) and considering HOW OFTEN a pregnant women needs to go to the bathroom, a free bathroom became a luxury. And one I didn't take for granted!

Here are a few phone snaps of our trip to the land of pizza, pasta and gelato:

italy babymoon 6 months pregnant

I'm going to be doing more posts on traveling while pregnant, as well as sharing travel guides on our trip (click here to see past travel guides I've written on Vietnam, Bali, India, Philippines, Cambodia & Borneo) so stay tuned for those!

6 months pregnant, south african blogger, italy babymoon


25 weeks (or just over 6 months for my friends who have yet to live by the whole 'weeks and days' counting method that pregnant women rule their lives by). 


Rutabaga (Swede or Yellow Turnip for my South African friends) and she (yup! We are having a little girl) weighs about 1.5kg's.


12kg's (eeeeeek!)

Considering my little one only weighs 1.5kg's...the other 10.5 kg's is supposedly made up of my ever expanding uterus & placenta (and possibly a few of those gelatos and pizzas we ate while in Italy).


My little bump is no longer little! I've gone through a rather large 'popping' phase and now look decidedly pregnant. I have been told that my tummy is very 'neat' and that I'm carrying very well. If you look at my from the back you wouldn't say I was pregnant. I don't know though, I feel HUGE...but I guess I'm in for a shock then as I can't imagine being any bigger than I am now.

25 Weeks Pregnant


This little one has been kicking up a storm! It took till about 23 weeks for me to be absolutely sure that I was feeling kicks (and that it wasn't just normal gaseous exchange going on haha). Her kicks are very gently, and happen throughout the day. I was told that lying on my left hand side after drinking a glass of orange juice/eating a chocolate would intensify the kicks, as I was starting to get worried that I hadn't felt anything by 22 weeks. Turns out she was just taking her time to start prodding me.


While in Italy we walked between 10 & 14km a day (totalling 150km!) over a period of 3 insane is that!

Because of this, I am happy to report that my weight gain has seemed to only be baby related, and a number of family members have commented that I looked like I had actually lost weight...score!

Walking is one of the best forms of exercise for pregnant women. Now I just need to keep it up and not get lazy again.

I am REALLY looking forward to getting back into Pilates! It's been so long I don't even know if my body will let me do any of the poses any more. Will keep you updated.


I slept REALLY well in Italy. Although the beds were pretty hard and I would wake up with a few aches and pains from the mattresses, I don't recall ever waking up in the middle of the night. Not to go to the loo, and not even to roll over. This really goes to show just how much good exercise does the body.

I'm hoping this pattern of sleep is going to stay now that we are home because it's SO cold here on the farm and I just can't bare the thought of going to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

25 Weeks pregnant


I spent the past 3 weeks in dresses (luckily my pre-preggy dresses still fit!), two pairs of flowy & linen pants, as well as my favourite pair of CherryMelon shorts and tops.

Now that I'm back into Winter, I have been given a number of long sleeve shirts and tops from the H&M Mamma range and will pair them with my H&M leggings as well as my favourite CherryMelon leggings. Luckily most days on the farm I can get away with wearing big baggy tracksuit pants and Farmboy's hoodies. The cows and chickens don't mind my lack of dress sense.


I'm still feeling pretty great! I've been very lucky and had a very easy pregnancy so far. No morning sickness...teeny tiny moments of nausea, and only a bit of fatigue in the first trimester.

I'm also really happy that my eczema has cleared up. I have no idea if it was a symptom of pregnancy or the dry, winter weather, but being overseas in the sun and warm weather seemed to clear it up. Will have to see what happens now that we are back in the full force of Winter.

I've been rather emotional the past few days (poor Farmboy) and have found my patience levels nearing zero. I am increasingly irritable, which leads me to feeling even more emotional as I feel bad for getting so annoyed with people so easily. 

I am happy to report that (at least it's been my experience so far) that the second trimester has been as wonderful as everyone said it would be. Loads of energy, enthusiasm and general happiness. Let's hope this lasts!


There hasn't been too much that I've been craving/feeling averse to lately. We ate A LOT of carbs this holiday, and so we did come back craving anything and everything green but I think that had more to do with the Italian diet being pretty starchy in nature, and not to do with pregnancy.


  • Lying on my tummy. I like to sleep on my side with my one leg pulled up, but my poor tummy just gets squashed and it's sooo uncomfortable.
  • Sitting up in the bath/sitting up in bed/getting out of bath without assistance.
  • Sitting in a chair...comfortably. My belly just seems to get in the way leaving my feeling restricted and uncomfortable.
25 weeks pregnant - backpacking in italy when pregnant


We were very spoilt while in Joburg (we spent a few days before and after our trip to Italy with my family in the City of Gold) and returned home with all sorts of lovely things for the nursery.

My mom also threw me a lovely baby shower for my Joburg friends and family (blog post to come soon!) and my little girl was really spoilt.

A few other baby related additions, courtesy of my Dad and Step-Mom...a Thule pram/stroller & bassinet as well as an awesome burgundy coloured Maxi Cosi carseat which were from the MamaMagic Baby Expo. There were a lot of great deals on all sorts of baby related things at the expo, if you are brave enough to face the crowds.


We bought two things for our little girl while in Italy. Once of them is the sweetest little mouse doll from Zara Home, and the other is a compactum storage set from IKEA. Yup, I was THAT person that managed to convince Farmboy to take me to an Ikea while in Italy. We don't have IKEA here in South Africa, and that store literally BLEW MY MIND! 


Farmboy has been getting more and more excited about the prospect of being a Dad. Yesterday he even modelled the baby carrier and walked around the house looking decidedly chuffed with himself.

He's going to make the most wonderful dad.


Meeting our new Gynae (I mentioned in my last post that we had decided to switch to a more affordable Gynaecologist) and I have found the sweetest gentleman doctor. He is very pro-natural, and is even very pro having a Doula as part of the birthing team.

Farmboy and I have been talking a lot lately about the idea of having a Doula for the birth, and are planning on meeting with a few ladies in the next few weeks. I was sceptical at first (it all sounded a bit airy fairy to me) but have since heard wonderful things about them from friends who have had them. Someone also pointed out to me that they are there as much for your husband/partners support as for yours, and I really like the idea of having a calming presence on hand to support us both (especially with this being our first baby). I'll keep you updated on how the search goes. If you're in South Africa and would like to know more about Doulas and what their roles are during childbirth, then click here

25 Weeks pregnant


I'm actually really trying to savour the next few days/weeks/months. I realised yesterday evening, while taking a really long, hot bath, that I'm not going to have that luxury in a few months time. I'm trying to really enjoy the quiet days of being in the house, sorting/cleaning/organising things on my own schedule, and I just know thats ALL going to change soon.

Until the next update!

Lots of love


My Pregnancy Update ~ Week 20

My pregnancy update week 20

Ohhhhhhhhhh....we're half way that I've got Bon Jovi stuck in your head to, I'm going to get right down to things.

I have been following my Instagram friend Kendra (VeganStrong) 's pregnancy updates on her blog, and it's made me realise how her posts are such a lovely way to document her pregnancy. I'm going to be borrowing from her prompts and sharing more of my pregnancy journey with you here.

I have made a couple of videos (click here to see them) but videos take a whole lot longer to create (not to mention the hours and hours and hours they take to upload on the farm) and so I thought I'd start a series of pregnancy posts.

I think I'll do a round up of the first 20 weeks at another time but today I'm going to jump right into my first official post in this series, and start where I am today (May 13th) and that's in Week 20.

My pregnancy journey - week 20

How Far Along:

20 weeks (or 5 months for my friends who have yet to understand the whole 'weeks and days counting method that pregnant women rule their lives by). I'm technically half way there if our little one decides to join us on the exact due date (which is Sept 22nd).

Size/Food Comparison:

Cantaloupe (Spanspek or sweet melon for my South African friends) and weighs about 300g.

Weight gain:


Considering my little one only weighs 300g...I can't blame it all on her. Im going to go with the fact that my blood volume has increased dramatically, and not blame it all on the hot cross buns.


I planned on doing a whole gender reveal with the whole balloon/part/cake surprise shebang and then life kind of ran away with me. So I'll let you all in on the surprise...we are having a little girl <3

Everyone who knows me would have assumed I always want to have girls (maybe it's my love of all things pink and girly?) but before I was pregnant, I ONLY wanted boys.

Five of them.

The idea of a little girl going through all my makeup and cosmetics gave me shivers...I am fiercely protective over my things... but since I found out I was pregnant, I have been secretly hoping it would be a little girl.

I definitely want a boy (or two, or three!) but I am delighted to know our first will be a little girl. Now here's to hoping she gets my dark hair and her Dad's gorgeous blue eyes!

CGScreative citygirlsearching south african mommy blogger week 20 pregnancy

Baby bump:

It's most definitely there, and no longer mistakable for an over indulgence in Wimpy hamburgers or hotcross buns!

All jokes aside, I have been eating very cleanly 85% of the time as I do understand how important your diet is. Also, baby really has no choice in the matter and it's not fair to give them junk food when what they really need is healthy and nutritious things to help them grow big and strong. But I will tell you this, your willpower will diminish in pregnancy...those cravings are every bit as out of control as people say!


I haven't felt anything yet, or at least I haven't been able to distinguish kicks from gas and other normal tummy movements and changes. I THINK I may have felt a few little butterfly kicks a few days ago...but it may also have been the Kale chips I had for re-dinner snack.


I haven't been sleeping too badly. My first trimester I was up A LOT during the night to go to the bathroom (which is harder and harder to do now that it's getting so cold!) and then had a very good first few weeks of my second trimester. Now that I'm a month into my second trimester, I'm up at least once a night to go to the bathroom. I do toss and turn a bit at night, but in general I've been sleeping well. Speaking of sleeping and tossing & turning, I'll be doing a full review on a preggy cushion soon. I'll also go into more detail about how I have/haven't been liking it so far. Stay tuned for that.


I've been trying to keep up with my walking, but having an extra 7kg's of body weight (I'm quite petite and only weigh 62kg's now) really takes it's toll on you. I find just walking around the garden makes me quite of of breath.

I have been LOVING Pilates though, and have been going at least once a week since the start of the year. I don't go to any fancy preggy Pilates classes...I'm luckily enough that we even actually have a qualified Pilates instructor here in my small farm town...but I did tell my instructor that I was pregnant from the beginning so she's aware and was able to discreetly help me with certain positions in the beginning. Now that it's my tummy is very obviously in the way, certain positions are harder, but it leaves my body feeling amazing, and ALLLLL that stretching is only good for the time labour and birth come around.


I can no longer wear any of my pre-preggy pants, and am loving my recent CherryMelon purchases I made on the Spree app. They even delivered to my tiny town within 10 days! Now that's impressive. I'm a HUGE fan of their linen shorts, and the side guage T-shirts are so flattering and comfy. I've never felt 100% comfy wearing tight tops, even though I've always been in pretty good shape. My body shape is on the curvy side, and I've always felt a bit self conscious wearing tight tops around my tummy. But now, I'm all for showing off my belly and love that I no longer have to hold my tummy in all the's wonderful!

Being here on the farm is also much easier when it comes to clothes, as I'm mostly in a pair of tracksuit pants or shorts, and Farmboy's baggy shirts. I think I would be having a much harder time if I was living in town and wanted to look nice everyday. Luckily the cows here don't really mind me looking like a scruff ball.

How I’m feeling:

Great! I've been very lucky and had a very easy pregnancy so far. No morning sickness...teeny tiny moments of nausea, and only a bit of fatigue in the first trimester. I have had a few very bad moments of heartburn lately (I've pin pointed to a combination of carbs and fizzy drinks which only happen when we go away for the weekend) and so have stopped buying my favourite Sparkling water from Woolies. Living out on the farm means we don't have a lot of access to treats and other snacks so I'm thankful, and we mainly eat a low carb diet during the week.

I've only had Rennies on hand for the heartburn and it has seemed to help. But I'm making sure to stock up on Gaviscon for our upcoming trip to Italy next week. Any other heartburn remedies you may know? Please let me know in the comments below :)

My eczema has also flared up in the last few weeks, and seems to have made it's way onto my face. The areas around my chin, nose and sides of my lips are SO dry. I've had to completely adjust my skincare routine (let me know if you'd like a post on that too!) and have it sort of under control. The change of seasons has also been a huge culprit so here's hoping my skin settles in the next few weeks.


I'm still not really into tea. Our farm milk is full cream and I find I've gone off having it in my tea & coffee. I have the odd cup of coffee (which I always enjoy when made by my Father-In-Law...I have no idea why?!) but I haven't been very strict with caffeine allowances (or any other diet do's and don'ts when it comes to being pregnant).

I've even been drinking our farm milk (which is unpasteurised...and many mommy-to-be's would be horrified that I've been drinking it) but it's not practical for me to be married to a dairy farmer and living on a dairy farm and not drink the milk. I have found I've naturally gone off the taste so don't drink very much of it anyway.

My cravings throughout my entire pregnancy have been pretty savoury in nature:

  • Salt & Vinegar chips with tuna (literally, using the chips to eat the tuna out of the can...don't judge me till you try it!)
  • Cheese Doritos
  • Hotcross buns 
  • Pretty much ALL carbs (I have now found pretty a good balance and use cous couse for meals instead of pasta etc when I'm really cravin something filling)

If you're interested in what meals I've been eating, let me know in the comments below and I'll do a post on light/low carb pregnancy meal ideas

What I miss:

  • Lying on my tummy. I like to sleep on my side with my one leg pulled up, but my poor tummy just gets squashed and it's sooo uncomfortable.
  • My 5 cups of tea a day.
  • Easily putting my socks on! Can't believe what a mission this simple task has become! 


So far we have our compactum (which I picked up second hand in Durban and after a good scrubbing and a fresh coat of paint it looks as good as new) and I've ordered our cot (from CoziCot which has their showroom in Joburg).


I've bought a few cheapie receiving blankets and bits of fabric to attempt to sew my own pre-folds and flats to use with cloth nappies/diapers. I'll keep you updated with how that goes. 


Farmboy gets a shock every time he sees my tummy. It's a very happy shock and he can't resist hugging it and having long chats to his little girl. It's been such a wonderful seeing how excited he gets when he is reminded (by my bulging belly) that he is going to be a Dad soon. He is also very excited to carry her around the farm and take her to the dairy in the early mornings and show her the cows and chickens.

Best part of the week:

Our 20 week ultrasound. We had an in-depth visit with the Sonographer who did a very detailed scan of all of baby's organs and body parts. We were even able to see how full her little bladder was. It was pretty incredible!

But, we are probably going to be moving Gynae's when we get back from our overseas trip mid June. I am really happy with my Gynae, but she charges so far above medical aid rates that it's just ridiculous. Every time we see her it's an extra R800 on top of what medical aid covers. We are on a hospital plan with Momentum, but also have their Maternity plan which is really great. We also have Gap cover for when baby comes and I'm in hospital, but having to pay so much ontop of those fees (especially considering how often the Gynae insists on seeing you!) I think we are going to make a move to a Momentum associated specialist. Luckily I have found another lady not too far away who charges only medical aid rates. I am in two minds about switching, as I have been really happy with my current Gynae. But as my pregnancy has been so easy so far, I don't think I will have any problems moving. And if I find I'm not happy with the new lady, there is still enough time for me to move back. So will keep you updated on that front too.

Can’t wait for:

Our trip to Italy & the Mamamagic Baby Expo next week! I'm in Joburg at the moment seeing family (plus I needed my moms expert sewing hands to get a good start on sewing cloth nappies) and Farmboy will join me next Thursday. We fly to Italy next Friday for a wonderful holiday (or babymoon as it's affectionately called) to adventure, eat all the gelato & pasta and simply enjoy some special alone time before baby gets here in September.

Until the next update!

Lots of love
