Weekly Wishes {10}


Hello and welcome to my Weekly Wishes series where I talk about my goals and wishes for the week ahead. Popping them here on the blog will hopefully helps me to stay on track with the things I want to do or get done. These posts are part of a link up by The Nectar Collective where Melissa has a wonderful community of women who link up their weekly wishes and are there to support and encourage one another. It's also a great way to make new friends and find new blogs to follow, why don't you join me?

I am happy to say that I completed all my goals for last week and am ready to tick the following ones off my To Do list! There is always something that I don't manage to do in this series, but last week was a rather productive one and I am ready to do the same for this week.


1. Publish my very first Youtube video! This has been long in the pipeline, but there has always been some excuse I have found not to get it done. I wrapped up filming this past weekend, and thanks the my hubby's incredible movie editing skills my video is just about ready to go live! Now I just have to stop worrying about what everyone will think when they see it!

2. Post off the recent orders I have from my stationery store. I've got packages going to Belgium and packages off to the US! Packing up orders is one of my most favourite things to do...here is a little peak of some of the new items I have in stock. Click here to see the rest of the items (I have calendars, notebooks, washi tape and lots lots more).

3. Do lots of research into our possible trip to Russia in February. I think the visa process for South Africans is a little complicated so I want to get the ball rolling and find out if we will be ale to get it sorted out in time.

4. Finalise Christmas presents for our family for our trip back home so South Africa at the end of this month. We have been away from home for a year and a half and are so excited to see everyone again. We have 3 weeks in sunny South Africa (although I can't really bear the thought of being away from our little pup for that long). 

That's all I have for this week. Do you have anything you really need to get done this week? Drop me a comment below, I'd love to hear from you.

Have a wonderful week everyone <3

Caylee Grey Blog Feature

I was recently featured on Caylee Grey's delightful blog as part of her Hello Lovely series. In this series Caylee interviews creatives and gives them the opportunity to display their answers in any form (drawing, doodling, scrap booking, crafting etc) except in the form of boring typed text. I found this really challenging as most of the other ladies she has had on her blog are incredible talented artists, and my drawing skills leave lot to be desired. So it took me a terribly long time to finally come up with a way to combine my passions and skills, but I am really happy with what I put together.

To read the whole article click here to be directed to Caylee's lovely corner of the interweb.

The Banting Diet...What can you eat?


I have been following the Banting Diet (a form of low carb high fat eating lifestyle...click here for more info on the basics of Banting) for the past 3 months now, and have lost a total of 5kg's. I wasn't planning on losing any weight when I started, but I had been hearing so many great things about the Banting lifestyle that I thought I'd try it for myself. And I must say I was incredibly intrigued by the claims that I could eat cream cheese and still lose weight! 

My body has adjusted and gotten used to this way of eating (this doesn't mean I don't fall off the bandwagon every now and again) but as there are still loads of delicious things you can can eat and make it's pretty easy to stay on the right track (click the following for two yummy recipes; Broccoli & Cheese burgers and Cream Cheese Pancakes). Following the Banting lifestyle does require more thought and effort than eating regular meals, but is is possible to do, even right here in South Korea. Farmboy and I have actually found that we spend less money now on groceries, even though we are buying things like bacon and cream cheese on a regular basis.

Please do bear in mind that everyone's body is different. Banting doesn't work for some people who are very sensitive to dairy, which then can lead to weight  (this is where you can try the Paleo diet which follows similar principles to Banting but without the dairy). But for me the results have been incredible. For the past year I have been exercising consistently 5 times a week and eating healthy meals and had yet to loose any weight. With Banting I am trimmer than I have ever been and I am doing less exercise than before. Granted I am not as toned or strong as I was before and some of the weight will be muscle, but my body looks and feels so different. 

Here are the food lists of what you can and can't eat as set out by Tim Noakes, the author of the book The Real Meal Revolution. You can find out more about the book and get yourself a copy by clicking here. If you want to see results you have to start off being very strict with yourself. Not cheating. Trust me, once you start seeing results that bagel is going to look less and less appealing. And the great thing is, you can still bake! I bake all the time and am still able to satisfy my sweet tooth without sacrificing my hips. Some people will say that the gluten free, sugar free baked goods aren't as good as the real thing. Well, of course they're not, but they come pretty close and eating them isn't harmful to your body like the original recipes.

Also, my favourite Banters, The Banting Blondes have just launched a brand new Ebook full of all of their delicious recipes. Click here to get yourself a copy. By buying their book you are supporting the 'Breadline Africa' Charity Fund which does work to help impoverished communities become self-sustainable . 

Green List

Green is an all-you-can-eat list. You choose anything you like without worrying about the carbohydrate content as all the foods will be between 0 to 5g/100g.

ANIMAL PROTEIN (unless these have a rating, they are all 0g/100g)

  • All eggs
  • All meats, poultry and game
  • All natural and cured meats (pancetta, parma ham, coppa etc)
  • All natural and cured sausages (salami, chorizo etc)
  • All offal
  • All seafood (except swordfish and tilefish - high mercury content)
  • Broths

DAIRY (Please refer to "What is the deal with dairy?" on FAQ page)

  • Cottage cheese
  • Cream
  • Cream cheese
  • Full-cream Greek yoghurt
  • Full-cream milk
  • Hard cheeses
  • Soft cheeses


  • Any rendered animal fat
  • Avocado oil
  • Butter
  • Cheese - firm, natural, full-fat, aged cheeses (not processed)
  • Coconut oil
  • Duck fat
  • Ghee
  • Lard
  • Macadamia oil
  • Mayonnaise, full fat only (not from seeds oils)
  • Olive oil


All flavourings and condiments are okay, provided they do not contain sugars and preservatives or vegetable (seed) oils.


  • Almonds
  • Flaxseeds (watch out for pre-ground flaxseeds, they go rancid quickly and become toxic)
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Pecan nuts
  • Pine nuts
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Walnuts


  • Erythritol granules
  • Stevia powder
  • Xylitol granules


  • All green leafy vegetables (spinach, cabbage, lettuces etc)
  • Any other vegetables grown above the ground (not butternut though)
  • Artichoke hearts
  • Asparagus
  • Aubergines
  • Avocados
  • Broccoli
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Celery
  • Courgettes
  • Leeks
  • Mushrooms
  • Olives
  • Onions
  • Peppers
  • Pumpkin
  • Radishes
  • Sauerkraut
  • Spring onions
  • Tomatoes

Orange List

Orange is made up of ingredients containing between 6g and 25g of carbs per 100g (6% - 25%). 

Chart your carbohydrates without getting obsessive and still obtain an excellent outcome. If you are endeavoring to go into ketosis, this list will assist you to stay under a total of 50g carbs for the day. These are all net carbs and they are all 23 to 25g per indicated amount. Ingredients are all fresh unless otherwise indicated.


C = cups per day
T = tablespoons per day
t = teaspoons per day
g = grams per day
For example: 1.5 apples are all the carbs you can have off the orange list for the day (if you want to go into ketosis and make sure you are under 50g total carbs for the day).


  • Apples 1.5
  • Bananas 1 small
  • Blackberries 3.5 C
  • Blueberries 1.5 C
  • Cherries (sweet) 1 C
  • Clementines 3
  • Figs 3 small
  • Gooseberries 1.5 C
  • Grapes (green) under 1 C
  • Guavas 2
  • Kiwi fruits 3
  • Litchis 18
  • Mangos, sliced, under 1 C
  • Nectarines 2
  • Oranges 2
  • Pawpaw 1
  • Peaches 2
  • Pears (Bartlett)
  • Pineapple, sliced, 1 C
  • Plums 4
  • Pomegranate ½
  • Prickly pears 4
  • Quinces 2
  • Raspberries 2 C
  • Strawberries 25
  • Watermelon 2 C


  • Cashews, raw, 6 T
  • Chestnuts, raw, 1 C


  • Honey 1 t


  • Butternut 1.5 C
  • Carrots 5

Red List

Red will contain all the foods to avoid as they will be either toxic (e.g. seed oils, soya) or high-carbohydrate foods (e.g. potatoes, rice). We strongly suggest you avoid all the items on this list, or, at best, eat them very occasionally and restrict the amount when you do. They will do nothing to help you in your attempt to reach your goal.


  • All flours from grains - wheat flour, cornflour, rye flour, barley flour, pea flour, rice flour etc
  • All forms of bread
  • All grains - wheat, oats, barley, rye, amaranth, quinoa, teff etc
  • Beans (dried)
  • "Breaded" or battered foods
  • Brans
  • Breakfast cereals, muesli, granola of any kind
  • Buckwheat
  • Cakes, biscuits, confectionary
  • Corn products - popcorn, polenta, corn thins, maize
  • Couscous
  • Crackers, cracker breads
  • Millet
  • Pastas, noodles
  • Rice
  • Rice cakes
  • Sorghum
  • Spelt
  • Thickening agents such as gravy powder, maize starch or stock cubes


  • Beer, cider
  • Fizzy drinks (sodas) of any description other than carbonated water
  • Lite, zero, diet drinks of any description


  • Cheese spreads, commercial spreads
  • Coffee creamers
  • Commercial almond milk
  • Condensed milk
  • Fat-free anything
  • Ice cream
  • Puddings
  • Reduced-fat cow's milk
  • Rice milk
  • Soy milk


  • All seed oils (safflower, sunflower, canola, grapeseed, cottonseed, corn)
  • Chocolate
  • Commercial sauces, marinades and salad dressings
  • Hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils including margarine, vegetable oils, vegetable fats


  • Fruit juice of any kind
  • Vegetable juices (other than home-made with Green list vegetables)


  • All fast food
  • All processed food
  • Any food with added sugar such as glucose, dextrose etc


  • All unfermented soya (vegetarian "protein")
  • Meats cured with excessive sugar
  • Vienna sausages, luncheon meats


  • Beetroots
  • Legumes
  • Parsnips
  • Peanuts
  • Peas
  • Potatoes (regular)


  • Agave anything
  • Artificial sweeteners (aspartame, acusulfame K, saccharin, sucralose, splenda)
  • Cordials
  • Dried fruit
  • Fructose
  • Honey (except for 1 t on orange list)
  • Malt
  • Sugar
  • Sugared or commercially pickled foods with sugar
  • Sweets
  • Syrups of any kind

Klairs Gentle Black Deep Cleansing Oil & Gentle Black Sugar Facial Scrub {Review}

Last week I received a wonderful package from Wishtrend to review and share my thoughts on. It was a package of products from Klairs ; The Gentle Black Deep Cleansing Oil and Gentle Black Sugar Facial Polish.

My last experience with Klairs was with my favourite BB cream, the Illuminating Supple BB Cream (click here to see the review). And the best thing about Klairs:

Klairs Gentle Black Deep Cleansing Oil is made up of a number of various vegetable oils that are super great for your skin. The easily washable texture of this oil cleanser allows a mild yet effective cleansing of dirt and makeup without causing any irritation. I've even found it was able to remove my 'impossible-to-remove-but-incredible-for-your-lashes' mascara from Innisfree. All of this without making my eyes sting or itch. I've only tried one other oil cleanser (it was of the home made variety) and I must say that I am beyond impressed. I'm sure I'm not the first person to think that cleaning your skin with an oil would leave my skin oily, but this is just not the case. In fact I have found my skin to be cleaner using this oil cleanser than with my regular cleanser. How I can tell is by looking at the cotton wool after toning. There are only tiny traces of makeup left on my skin after using this oil cleanser, compared to the amount that is left after only using my Cetaphil cleanser. 

The three black oils that make up this product are:

Black Bean to control sebum production and leave you with smooth skin

Black Sesame Oil which is a natural antioxidant, helping to remove nasty toxins from teh surface of your skin

Black Currant Seed oil which is rich in minerals and vitamins to leave your skin glowing from the outside.  This seed oil strengthens the skin by providing a protective layer to prevent the evaporation of moisture from the skin and promotes skin cell regeneration .

The bottle has a pump dispenser with a little plastic stopper to prevent the product from spilling when you travel. Thats also very handy if you're like me and have a lot of products in your bathroom, as I tend to knock things over all the time. You only need one or two pumps of oil. Using warm water, simply massage the the oil onto your face (it becomes a milky white liquid) that is easy to rinse off, along with any dirt and makeup on your skin. It has a very pleasant, fruity fragrance and leaves your skin feeling squeaky clean without being tight. 

**Wishtrend is currently offering free (international) shipping with this cleansing oil, so no matter where you are in the word you can get your hands on this cleanser!

Ingredients: Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Cetyl Ethylhexanoate, Isononyl Isononanoate, PEG-7 Glyceryl Cocoate , Isopropyl Myristate, Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil, Glycine Soja (Soybean) Oil, Sesamum Indicum (Sesame) Seed Oil , Ribes Nigrum (Black Currant) Seed Oil , Tocopheryl Acetate , PEG-20 Glyceryl Triisostearate , Polysorbate 20, Fragrance, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter) , Carapa Guaianensis Seed Oil, Vaccinium Macrocarpon (Cranberry) Seed Oil

Klairs Gentle Black Sugar Scrub ($18.99)

This gentle sugar facial scrub keeps your skin soft and supple by providing a deep (yet gentle!) exfoliation. The scrub has anti-bacterial & anti ageing properties that help take care of your skin while removing those pesky dry and flaky bits. This product contains no alcohol, no parabens and no artificial colourants.

The scrub contains the following active ingredients:

Black Sugar which exfoliates away dead skin to leave your skin soft and glowing

Shea Butter which providse extra moisture and comfort for your dry skin

Cranberry Oil which helps to prevent your skin from aging

Vitamin E which enhances your skins elasticity and ability to retain moisture (essential for those of us currently going through winter!)

Andiroba Oil which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and is an anti-inflammatory due to the presence of compounds known as limonoids. This helps to calm any signs of redness that you may have.

Although this is an exfoliating scrub, it is very gentle on your skin. I found that unlike my favourite Black Sugar Scrub from SkinFood, this scrub doesn't dissolve as fast therefore it gives my skin more of a polish. If you find the exfoliation is too much for you, try using it in combination with your cleanser (or even better, in combination with the Klairs  Gentle Oil Black Cleanser). 

The scrub has a wonderful scent (it smells just like sugar!). You take a small amount and massage it with your fingertips using warm water. Then apply it to your face (paying close attention to those areas you may need more exfoliation like your nose and chin). Rinse off with warm water and follow with your toner and moisturiser. 

You only need a tiny amount and so this tub will last for ages, making the price ($18.99) not so bad after all. 

Ingredients: Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Black Strap Powder, Cetyl Ethylhexanoate, Petrolatum, Glycerin, Tocopheryl Acetate, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter), Candelilla Wax Esters, Peg-7 Glyceryl Cocoate, Polysorbate 20, Beeswax, Cetyl Alcohol, Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Powder, Fragrance, Carapa Guaianensis Seed Oil, Vaccinium Macrocarpon (Cranberry) Seed Oil

Do any of these products sound like something you'd like to try? Let me know in the comments below!

Disclosure: I received the above products for review purposes but the opinions expressed here are 100% my own. This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission should you make a purchase using one of the links. 

Weekly Wishes {9}

Hello and welcome to my Weekly Wishes series where I talk about my goals and wishes for the week ahead. Popping them here on the blog will hopefully help me to stay on track with the things I want to do or get done. These posts are part of a link up by The Nectar Collective where Melissa has a wonderful community of women who link up their weekly wishes and are there to support and encourage one another. It's also a great way to make new friends and find new blogs to follow, why don't you join me?

It's been a little while since I posted my weekly wishes here on the blog. As usual life has a funny way of sneaking up on you and suddenly it's the last month of the year and you're left wondering where the year went. 

This week's wishes

1. Drink more water. Winter has arrived with full force and making sure I'm drinking enough water has been hard. It's so cold that drinking water from the tap just seems like torture. I have been pretty bad with only drinking tea during the day, until I read this article and saw the before & after photographs of a woman who started drinking 3 liters of water a day and the results she had in one month. Pretty amazing! 

2. Post my latest beauty review of Klairs products from Wishtrend.

3. Post a recipe for homemade chia spice that I made especially for hot chocolate this past weekend.

4. Update my stationery store with the new notebooks I found this weekend.

That's all I have for this week. Do you have anything you really need to get done this week? Drop me a comment below, I'd love to hear from you.

Have a wonderful week everyone <3

Winter in Korea....it's going to be a white Christmas!


This is our third winter here in Korea and yet this is the first winter that Farmboy and I have ever seen or experienced so much snow. Our first year in Daejeon and last year here in Buan it snowed twice. This year has been completely different. The snow started on Monday and hasn't stopped since! We have had a few hours of sunshine in between but it just keeps on coming. It's incredibly beautiful and the first few hours of morning when the snow is falling are like magic. Everything is quiet, the snow muffles out all the usual sounds of the town and it's incredibly peaceful. 

But, the snow is not very kind on our poor old car, Cherry. Whose doors and windows freeze shut locking us out (and sometimes even in!). It's really scary driving in the snow, the roads are icy and people have very little control over their cars. But even still, we feel like little kids at Christmas every time we wake up and find it's still snowing. And our little pup Shadow is in his element. He just loves the snow. He saw it for the first time this week and even though he hates water, he can do snow. It's so cute watching him jump and burrow his way around, in and under everything. He doesn't feel the cold, unlike us!

Here are a few photographs from our first early morning out in the snow.



Innisfree Mineral Melting BB Cushion Review


This BB cream cushion is another in the line of 'air cushions' being sold by beauty stores all over South Korea. The 'cushion' is essentially called a cushion because the BB cream is in liquid form and you apply it using the soft cushion included in the compact. As the product is liquid, you are able to control the amount of coverage yourself making this my favourite form of foundation. 

I love how easy my foundation routine has become, and the best thing is that the compact is super easy to travel with and there are no worries about spillage as the sponge holds all the makeup in place.

This mineral melting BB cushion contains Jeju green tea water to create what Innisfreee describes as 'dewy and clear skin'. The actual BB cream itself is made up of a 5-in-1 formula for the following:

-Sebum Control (I didn't notice any)


-UV Protection

-Cooling (I didn't notice any cooling effect)

-Make up

Available in 3 shades: 01 - Pink Beige, 02 - Natural Beige and 03 - True Beige (pictured below)

A lot of people worry about hygiene when it comes to cushion puffs like the one in this compact. As this particular puff is of a higher quality than most, you can clean it (using something like this brush cleaner) without it falling apart. And replacements puffs are available for W1 500 at all Innisfree stores.

To use this BB cream simply dab the puff onto the BB soaked sponge and then dab onto your skin. When I first tried using this I was 'wiping' the BB cream on my skin and found that I ended up using a lot of product for each application. A little goes a long way if you use it with a dabbing, patting motion when you apply it to your skin. This is also the best way to build coverage. The finish is 'dewy' something that is very popular here in Korea, but that can easily be amended with a light dusting of your favourite setting powder for a more matte finish. What I do love about this BB cream is its very high SPF (50+) this means you know your skin is well protected from those harmful UV rays.

The actual coverage is very light, and I would say suited to people with good skin who just want the added protection that comes with a BB cream(moisture, sun protection, primer and foundation) . Even though the coverage wasn't great for me, the wear of it was. The overall glow that it gave my skin lasted throughout the day. Another thing  I loved is the fact that the actual compact itself is refillable. This means that I could try out another of the BB cushions without the hefty price tag of buying another compact. I have started using the Long Wear BB cream refill inside this compact and have found that coverage to be perfect for my skin. 

I would recommend this Mineral Melting BB cushion for the winter months as it is very moisturising, or if you only need a a BB cream to add glow and light coverage to your already good skin (luck you!).

Have you tried a cushion BB cream before? What did you think? 

#16Days2014 16 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women & Children

November 25th marked the start of 16 days of Activism for No violence Against Women & Children in South Africa.

The 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children is an international awareness-raising campaign that takes place every year from 25 November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) to 10 December (International Human Rights Day). The period includes Universal Children’s Day and World AIDS DaySouth African Government

I am posting this today with the single aim of raising awareness for something that is on my heart. Human trafficking is another evil form of violence against women and children and something that we often feel we are completely unequipped to help do anything about. One thing that each of us is able to do is to raise awareness.


You can use Facebook to share this post, you can share inspiring images of women who have overcome violence on Pinterest. You can show those around you that you care enough to interrupt your Facebook feed of images of yourself and friends and show the world things that may be uncomfortable to see but that are happening around us all the time. The first step in making a difference is simply to be aware and make others aware of what is going on around us.

Source: Neha Rawat Battish / Via&nbsp;Facebook: shilosuleman

Source: Neha Rawat Battish / Via Facebook: shilosuleman

This year’s 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children Campaign (16 Days campaign) is important because it commemoratse a number of milestones. The year 2014 marks 60 years since the signing of the Women’s Charter on 17 April 1954 in Johannesburg; 20 years of freedom and democracy in South Africa and 16 years of the 16 Days of Activism Campaign. South African Government

Source: Abhishek Choudhury / Via&nbsp;Facebook: shilosuleman

Source: Abhishek Choudhury / Via Facebook: shilosuleman

South Africa adopted the campaign in 1998 as one of the intervention strategies towards creating a society free of violence. The campaign continues to raise  awareness amongst South Africans about the negative impact of violence against women and children (VAW&C) on all members of the community. South African Government

Source: RedDot.de

Source: RedDot.de

What is violence against women and children?

Violence takes many forms, for example:

  • Physical violence in the form of domestic violence, terrible violent crime such as murder, robbery, rape and assault.

  • Emotional violence and trauma at many levels caused by many factors. Women and children in their homes, at work, at schools, on our streets, in our communities suffer this form of violence for various reasons.

  • Another terrible blight of our democracy is the violence of poverty, starvation, humiliation and degradation, especially against women and children. Poverty, inequality and unemployment are conditions under which violence thrives. South African Government

 Here are a few ways that the South African government have outlined as ways to help during these days of Activism.

*Please note the numbers listed below are for South Africa.

What can you do?

  • Support the campaign by wearing a white ribbon during the 16-day period: A white ribbon is a symbol of peace and symbolises the commitment of the wearer to never commit or condone violence against women and children.
  • Participate in the various 16 Days of Activism events and activities: See the calendar outlining events taking place around the country over the period of the 16 days.
  • Volunteer in support of NGOs and community groups who support abused women and children: Many organisations need assistance from the public. You can volunteer your time and make a contribution to the work of institutions. Help plant a garden at a shelter, sponsor plastic tables and chairs for kids at a clinic or join an organisation as a counsellor. Use your skills and knowledge to help the victims of abuse.
  • Speak out against woman and child abuse.
    • Encourage silent female victims to talk about abuse and ensure that they get help.
    • Report child abuse to the police.
    • Encourage children to report bully behaviour to school authorities.
    • Men and boys are encouraged to talk about abuse and actively discourage abusive behaviour.
    • Seek help if you are emotionally, physically or sexually abusive to your partner and/or children. Call the Stop Gender Based Violence helpline (0800 150 150).
    • Talk to friends, relatives and colleagues to take a stand against abuse of women and children.
    • Try and understand how your own attitudes and actions might perpetuate sexism and violence.
    • Spread the message on social media using #16Days2014
  • Join community policing forums (CPFs): The community and the local police stations are active partners in ensuring local safety and security. The goal is to bring about effective crime prevention by launching intelligence-driven crime-prevention projects in partnership with the local community.You may want to also become a  reservist, a member of the community who volunteers his/her services and time to support local policing efforts to fight crime. For  more information on how to join, contact your local police station. South African Government

Below I want to share the story of Leslie Morgan Steiner. Leslie was in “crazy love” — that is, madly in love with a man who routinely abused her and threatened her life. Steiner tells the dark story of her relationship, correcting misconceptions many people hold about victims of domestic violence, and explaining how we can all help break the silence. 

Where to get help

  • What if you are abused [PDF]
  • Service contacts [PDF]
    • SAPS Crime Stop
      08600 10111
    • Gender-Based Violence Command Centre
      0800 428428/0800 GBV GBV
    • STOP Gender Violence Helpline
      0800 150 150/ *120*7867# from any cell phone
    • Childline- Report child abuse
      0800 055 555
    • Elderly people helpline
      0800 003 081
    • Family and Marriage Society of South Africa – Advice on family relationships
      011 975 7107
    • Thuthuzela Care Centres-
      012 8456136
    • Suicide Crisis Line
      0800 567 567
    • Alcoholics Anonymous SA
      0861 435 722 Substance Abuse Helpline 0800 121 314
    • Narcotics Anonymous SA
      0839 00 69 62
    • Mental Health Information Line
      0800 567 567
    • AIDS Helpline
      0800 012 322 / 011 725 6710
    • National Anti-Corruption Hotline
      0800 701 701
    • Disaster Operations Centre
      080 911 4357
    • Crisis Line
      0861 574747
    • National Crisis Line- Counselling Service
      086 132 2322
    • Human Trafficking
      08000 737 283 (08000 rescue) / 082 455 3664
    • SASSA- Grants enquiries
      0800 60 10 11 or CPS 0800 60 01 60
    • SA National Council for Child Welfare
      011 339 5741
    • Legal Aid
      0800 1110 110
    • Presidential hotline - Unresolved service delivery complaints
      17737 (1 PRES)
    • National Anti-corruption Forum
      0800 701 701
    • Cancer Association of South Africa
      0800 22 66 22

South African Government

Shadow our Black & Tan Korean Jindo rescue pup

ShadowTheJindoChristmasInKorea (1 of 1).jpg

We've had little Shadow for 2 months now, and boy have our lives changed. The first 2 weeks of having him were an absolute nightmare. We really had no intentions of having a pet while living here in Korea, not just because of the logistics of keeping a pet in an apartment, but also because of the costs associated with bringing them back home to South Africa. But once we started getting into more of a routine, around the 3 week mark, and of course once we decided that we could keep him, he has brought us so much joy.

You can read the full story of how Shadow came into our lives by clicking here, but to sum things up, we found him wondering a dark road late at night. He wasn't in bad shape when we took him in, he was obviously owned by someone, whom we later found out had to get rid of his dogs to go to the military. There's pretty much only one place an unwanted pup ends up here in Korea, and that's in the soup pot. Dog meat is an age old tradition here in Korea, especially in the more rural areas like where we live. It's too easy to judge people for their cultural differences, and so have just learnt to accept that eating dog is a part of the older traditional culture here in Korea. We may not agree with it, but that's not to say that the Koreans are wrong in their ways.

Anyway, here are some of photographs our little pup. In the first few we had just got him and he was about 2 or 3 months old. The last few photographs are of him from the past few weekend, he is about 5 months old now and growing by the second. I have been taking weekly photographs of him which I will share here on the blog in the next few months. It's been such fun watching his little legs grow and his ears get bigger and bigger and floppier and floppier.

Owning a puppy or dog here in Korea isn't easy. But it can be done with proper training and a lot of patience. I'll also be sharing a few more puppy related posts in the next few weeks for anyone thinking about getting a dog. In the mean time, I hope you enjoy these pictures.



Innisfree Cream Mellow Lipstick #8


I want to introduce you all to my very first, proper grown up person lipstick. It's a beautiful red from Innisfree, with slightly orange/blue base notes and is part of their CreamMellow range of lipsticks. Don't let the sound of blue or orange scare you off, or the bright hue of the lipstick itself when you see it. This shade is surprisingly adaptable and looked as good on my olive skin as it did on my friend who has fair, pink undertones to her skin. This shade (#8) just works. It seems to effortlessly adjust to the natural colour of your lips and just looks gorgeous and sexy.  

The texture is creamy, and stays creamy throughout it's wear due to it's gel like hydrating formula. As this lipstick is more moisturizing, it isn't as long lasting as some of Innisfree's other lipsticks (I got about 2 hours worth of wear out of it). Even though the wear isn't it's strong point, you aren't left with any flaky bits of lipstick once it does start wearing off as usually happens with the longer wearing formulas. So the fact that it doesn't last forever on my lips doesn't count against this product for me at all.

Here is a super cheesy Instagram pic of me with my red lips:


I have never been brave enough to attempt red lips before, and finding just the right shade of red can be daunting. But after putting all fears aside and forcing myself to try this shade, I am now an avid red-lip-wearer. 

As with all Innisfree's products, the packaging is pretty in it's simplicity. It comes in a cream twist up tube with the colour of the lipstick itself on the bottom. This makes things really nice and easy in your bag or makeup drawer. No more wasting time opening and closing tubes to find the one you're looking for. It's the small things in life.

You can find yours at your local Innisfree store for W12 000 or online at W2Beauty where  you can get a $5 voucher for your first order  by signing up through my link http://w2beauty.com/?s=277629511 and entering code 277629511 at registration. With my discount code (277629511) you'll only pay $11.50 with free world wide shipping!

Suncheon Bay Ecological Park

Suncheon Bay Eco Park Korea

Suncheon Bay is most famous for it's huge expanse of reeds which grow so tall that one can get lost walking through them. The reeds are incredibly beautiful to watch swaying in the breeze. Suncheon Bay is widely known for attracting a large number of rare birds  such as the hooded crane, white-naped crane, white stork, black-faced spoonbill, and the Eurasian Oystercatcher, as well as other birds designated as natural Korean treasures. 

We didn't explore much of actual Suncheon, but rather headed straight for the Eco Park. There is lots to do there, from wandering around and enjoying the views to grabbing a coffee to enjoy on your walk through the reeds.

This time of year (Autumn) is particularly beautiful at the Eco Park as all the trees are slowly loosing their leaves, dropping red and yellow leaves all around. The light is also spectacular


Suncheon bay is at the very bottom of Korea and is easy enough to get to – take any bus heading for Suncheon. Once you get to the main bus terminal, cross the road and head left. Once you get to the end of the street turn right.You need to take the 67 Bus (a 20 minute ride to Suncheon Bay). 

New 2015 Calendars in Stock in my Stationery Store

I have some gorgeous new 2015 calendars in stock in my stationery store as of this morning. There are two desk standing calendars and one wall hanging calendar. All of them are unique and beautifully illustrated to help you get your planning for the new year done in style.

DIY How to make Fig Jam

How To Make Fig Jam

Even though this jam is not banting friendly (if you haven't heard of the Banting diet make sure to read this post) but because it's fig season here in Korea, one has to improvise. Storm and I decided not to experiment with Xylitol just yet and made it with good old fashioned sugar. This recipe is incredibly easy to follow and will have your home smelling festive in no time at all. And of course, the jam itself tastes heavenly too.


What you need


Figs (we had about 8 figs)

1/4 cup brown sugar (adjust for the amount of figs...more sugar for more figs)

1 teaspoon cinnamon

a small piece of ginger, finely chopped


Quarter your figs. Add the figs to a pan and simmer on low heat while adding the sugar and ginger. Keep stirring until the sugar has completely dissolved. You can use a hand held blender to puree your jam, but it's not really necessary. 

When the sugar has completely dissolved add the cinnamon. Keep stirring on a low heat, making sure not to let the mixture burn.

Once everything has dissolved remove from the heat and allow to cool. 

Place in sterilised glass jars. There is an actual method to sterilizing glass jars properly, but we were on a tight schedule and so just soaked the jars in boiling water before use.

Best kept in the fridge and served with cheese!

You can store your jam in these cute gold animal glass jars (DIY coming to the blog soon) or in any glass jar you may have at home.

Innisfree Eco Beauty Tool Brush Cleaner


When was the last time you cleaned your makeup brushes? I used to be terrible at cleaning my brushes (which is actually shocking considering what your brushes go through, the dirt the attract and the fact that we use them to apply makeup onto our most delicate area, our face. Ideally you should deep clean your brushes once a week (click here for a post on how to do just that) and then do a quick clean after every use.

But let's be honest, most of us don't even have the time to properly apply our makeup in the morning, never mind spend the time needed to clean each brush after use. That's where this little tool from Innisfree comes in. It's a spray cleaner. Simply pump a few sprays onto a tissue and your brushes, dab your brushes onto the tissue in a swiping motion and voila...Clean brushes!

Cleaning your brushes like this can in no way offer you a full cleanse like the deep cleaning can, but it's far better than doing nothing and will at least clean off most of the germs and bacteria that can cause breakouts and other nasties on your skin. 

This has been a welcome addition to my dresser. It has a wonderful, light and clean fragrance that leaves your brushes feeling soft and smelling nice for the first use after cleaning.

You can find yours at your local Innsifree store for W6 000. 

Rachel & Jonny Engagement....Jeonju Hanok Village, South Korea


A few weekends ago my stylist friend Storm and I met up with Jonathan and Rachel for their engagement photo shoot. Rachel & Jonathan are a Canadian couple working in Jeonju, who are finishing up their time teaching here in Korea before heading back to Canada to get married in June next year.

I had such a wonderful time capturing these two. The love and friendship between them was evident from the moment I met them, I simply had to press the button and capture it.

To Rachel & Jonny, I wish you all the very best with the next few months of planning. You're wedding day is without a doubt, going to be one filled with laughter and love. Thank you for picking me as your photographer.

We shot these photographs at the Hanok Village in Jeonju. The shoot was scheduled for the same day as the famous Jeonju Bibimbap festival and we were expecting hoards of people. However we were pleasantly surprised to find lots of unexpected photo opportunities down side streets and back alleys. The soft Autumn light was dreamy and a wonder to work with. 

For any photographers who may be interested, these photographs were all shot on my Nikon d700 and 50mm 1.4 prime lens.



Autumn Colours in Korea, Seonununsa Park


Autumn is about to leave us here in Korea, making way for icy winds,  frozen fingers & toes and of course the snow. It all seems to be over very quickly and I feel like I didn't really get a proper chance to enjoy the colours and sights of one of the most popular seasons here in Korea.

I did manage to get to Seonunsan Park one afternoon to photographs the changing leaves. Aren't the colours beautiful?

Last year we headed up Naejangsan (just outside of Jeongeup) with what seemed like the whole of Korea. Naejangsan is one of the most popular places to see the changing leaves and so this year I made sure to avoid the crowds and find a place that was still beautiful, but one that I could photograph without having to strategically block out millions of bodies. Seoununsan is just outside of Gochang and relatively easy to get to. See below for directions.

There is also a temple there, but I was more interested in seeing the leaves. For the temple there is an admission fee to pay before entering (see information below).


250, Seonunsa-ro, Asan-myeon, Gochang-gun, Jeollabuk-do 
전북 고창군 아산면

From Gochang Intercity Bus Terminal, take a direct bus or a local bus to Seonunsa Temple (선운사).
Direct Bus: runs 8 times a day / Local Bus: runs 24 times a day

From Gwangju U-Square Bus Terminal, take a direct bus to Seonunsa Temple.
(runs 4 times a day)

Admission fee to see the temple:

Adults (ages 19-64): 3,000 won / Group: 2,500 won

Youths (ages 13-18): 2,000 won / Group: 1,500 won

Children (ages 7-12): 1,000 won / Group: 800 won

#DIYDaysInKorea {third meet-up}


Last weekend I organised the third #DIYDaysInKorea get together for crafty ladies here in South Korea. 

It was such a nice opportunity to spend time together, without spending a whole lot of money but while still having fun.  There was good food, homemade Gluwein, laughs and a whole lot of DIYing (not too much from my end, I like to think my DIY part comes in taking the photographs!).

We even have a Pinterest board for us to share ideas and inspire one another, we're cool like that. If you're here in Korea and you'd like to join in the next time we get together (sometime in February next year) join our Facebook group (click here), we'd love to have you!

Buan, South Korea

Farmboy and I live in a very small town here in Korea called Buan. It's not much, but it has become our home and we are happier here than we were when we lived in Korea's third largest city, Daejeon.

Winter is just about here, and before it got really cold I managed to get these photographs of the drive into town. Just to give you an idea of what 'rural' Korea looks like.

Some exciting new beauty products from Klairs South Korea

Shop Korean Skincare Innovation, Black Cleansing Oil

I am always keeping an eye on the Wishtrend site for their new arrivals, and this month those arrivals are from Klairs, one of Wishtrends most popular Korean beauty brands. If you want to find out more about Wishtrend and and how to get free international shipping on great South Korean skincare brands then click here!

I recently reviewed one of Klairs most popular products, their Illuminating BB cream. Click here to read more about that. I really love the Klairs BB cream, and am really looking forward to trying the following new products from this great South Korean skincare brand.

1. KLAIRS Gentle Black Deep Cleansing Oil $22.90

Containing the best combination of black oils for your skin; Black Currant Seed Oil, Black Soy Bean Oil and Black Bean Oil. This gentle cleansing oil removes makeup in 1 swipe, leaving skin moisturized, calmed, soothed and clean.

2. KLAIRS Gentle Black Sugar Charcoal Soap

Hand Crafted for your comfort, this facial bar soap contains only the best ingredients; 
Black sugar, charcoal and volcanic ash. These natural elements help treat and care for your pores while still providing your skin with a deep, yet gentle clean.

Do any of these products sound like something you'd like to try? Let me know in the comments section below!

Also, you can find these products and lots more on the WishTrend site. If you use this code at check out  >>>052313605 you'll get $5 off your first order too.

Happy Shopping!

Disclosure: Financial compensation was not received for this post. Opinions expressed here are 100% my own. This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission should you make a purchase using one of the links.

Banting Broccoli Burgers #BantingInKorea


These broccoli burgers are one of my absolute favourite meals to make for dinner .  They are quick and easy to make, filling, delicious and packed full of goodness for your body. These burgers are the second Banting recipe I've posted here on the blog (click here to read more about the Banting diet & lifestyle plan) and as with all Banting recipes are Low Carb High Fat. Click here to see the other #BantingInKorea recipes I've posted here on the blog.

Some people wouldn't go so far as to call them burgers, as technically there's no bun or toppings, but trust me when I say you won't need to have anything to accompany these (except for your favourite sauce). Both Farmboy and I are completely stuffed every time I make them and there are always a few left over for lunch the next day.

If you do try these let me know what you think of them in the comments below!


2 heads of broccoli (pulsed until fine in a blender or food processor)

1 pack of bacon

1 onion

2 or 3 cloves of garlic (depending on how much you like garlic)

ginger (optional...I used a small thumb sized amount)

tablespoon coconut oil (optional, depending on whether you like to cook in bacon fat or not)

1/2 cup almond/coconut flour (we have tried both and they work equally as well, the almond flour makes the patties a little more dense)

2 eggs

salt & pepper

1/3 cup grated cheese

makes 12 patties


Heat your oven to 180C. Fry your bacon. Then finely chop the onions and garlic and fry them in your bacon fat (or coconut oil) until brown. Leave to cool.

In a large bowl combine the rest of the dry ingredients (broccoli, almond/coconut flour, cheese, salt and pepper). Add the garlic and onion mixture and finally add the eggs. 

Oil a baking tray (with coconut oil) and spoon balls of the mixture onto the tray. I used foil in the pictures below but it was an absolute nightmare removing the foil from the burgers.  Bake in the oven for 15-25 minutes, keep checking on them to make sure they don't burn.

Remove when they are slightly golden on top.

Serve with your choice of sauce (or even salad) and enjoy!