Owning a Dog in Korea {Part 1} What you need to keep you and your pup happy.


Our lives changed in September 2014 when we rescued Shadow, then a tiny black and brown ball of fluff. We had no plans on having any pets while living here in Korea, but we have very little control over who and what God places in our lives.

We spent 3 weeks deliberating over what to do with him, mainly because it costs thousands of dollars to take a dog back home to South Africa, and also because we had no idea what owning a puppy really meant.

This post will hopefully help you with the basics of what you need to keep both you and your pup happy while living in an apartment here in Korea. I am by no means a dog expert, but I have spent countless hours watching youtube tutorials for training dogs, and have had the past 3 months (not a huge amount of time but a LOT of time when you get a puppy) to learn a few things.

These things will also be useful for anyone getting a dog (not just a puppy) but there will be a few things you won't have to worry about if you live in a house with a garden. Here in Korea we live in relatively small apartments and so choosing to have a dog needs to be well thought out and planned process to ensure minimal stress for everyone. 

*I will be doing another post on getting a health check for your dog here, heart worm medication as well as all the vaccinations they need*



Farmboy and I live in a relatively large apartment, and so have converted one of the rooms we have into the dog den. Not everyone will have this luxury, so I suggest getting a 'play pen' of sorts to contain your puppy/dog while you are out the house or can't keep an eye on him. This has been the most important thing we have done, and has really helped us relax when we are gone to work 8 hours of the day. We bought this dog gate off Gmarket (W45 000 or $45 click here for the link) which means he can see us, but he can't escape. He cried a lot the first few days we locked him up, but now he is happy to be in there and just sleeps when we aren't at home. This keeps him safe, as well as protecting the rest of our house from puppy mayhem. This also helps with housebreaking your puppy, as they tend not to mess where the sleep (the same is said for crate training...see below). 

His crate goes in his room as well as a cheap little bed we found at Daiso. He doesn't like blankets or anything that most dogs like to snuggle in. Even now with it snowing outside, he doesn't like the underfloor heating and chooses to sleep on the cold stone floor by the front door when he isn't in his room....strange pup.

I had never heard of crate training before, but as we will one day leave Korea, Shadow will have to travel in a crate for over 20 hours and so getting him used to it as soon as possible was very important for us. The sooner your pup gets used to the crate (and hopefully to see it as a happy and safe place to be) the easier it will be when they really have to be in it. There are lost of great videos on crate training (just google it and you'll find hundreds of great resources) and it took Shadow a while to be comfortable being inside it. He still doesn't like being locked in it for hours at a time, but he is getting used to it and it's only to help him in the end. We feed him in his crate, and put him inside it with some treats while we watch TV. He will eventually fall asleep in it and then we leave him in it over night. With crate training it's important to start off slowly, and progress gradually. Don't rush it or your poor pup will start to hate it. Also, never 'banish' your pup to his crate when he is naughty. You want the crate to always be a safe and welcoming place for him to be in.

Finding the right size crate can also be difficult. We had no idea how big Shadow would be and so had to make a guess. Crates are also super expensive here (this is one of the largest sizes and cost W165 000 or $165 on Gmarket. Click here for the link). If your pup is going to be traveling by air, the crate needs to be sturdy, IATA approved, and your dog needs to be able to stand up and turn around comfortably. Our crate is still a little too big for Shadow, but he is probably going to grow into it and we would want his journey home to be as comfortable as possible. 


This has been a tough one as there are soooo many different opinions and different kinds of foods. I had done a lot of research and decided that I wanted to feed Shadow grain free food (a lot of the super market brands use grains as fillers, leaving far fewer nutrients in the food and leading to huge poos). We were feeding him Taste of The Wild grain free puppy food until the stockist ran out on Gmarket and have resorted to Kirkland Nature's Domain food for all life stages until we can order more Taste of The Wild.  Click here for a great comparison of dog foods as well as star ratings for quality and nutritional value. 

We buy in bulk and store the food in large kimchi containers to keep it fresh. I got this 13litre containers from Daiso. 



You can go wild with all the fun things you can buy for your dog here in Korea. Shadow loves his homemade toys the most (the tennis ball alien thingy that Farmboy made using old rope and a drill) and the grey t-shirt. We bought lots of toys that have rough edges on so he can chew away and help relive his itchy gums now that he is teething. 

Here are the links for the toys above:

Blue Ball thrower, Green squeaky ball, rope

Red Fireball Bento Treat Chew Toy

Black Squeaky Food/Treat Dispenser (this makes dinner time fun and keeps them occupied and their brain stimulated as they have to work out how to get the food out).

Ball Thrower

Purple food dispenser: bought at a pet shop in Gwangju

White nylabone


I mainly use treats for training (I follow Clicker Training which is based on positive reinforcement). You can find treats online through Gmarket, or at most marts and all pet stores here in Korea. When we leave the house for the day we also always make sure we give Shadow a Kong (the red toy pictured above) which will save your lives and keep your pup entertained for a good amount of time while you are gone. You fill the kong with treats, peanut butter, cheese, meat, carrots, bananas apples etc and the pop it in the freezer over night and voila! One very happy pooch! Click here for a link to them on gmarket. 


I found all of these things at my local DC mart. The orange brush helps to really scrub and remove the dirt from Shadows thick fur. I also have a bunch of old small towels for drying him off after baths and for putting over his bed when we give him frozen bones. That just stops the yucky bits of blood and tissue from the bones messing everything. 


I have been very strict with Shadow from the moment we got him and it has led to us having a very calm, well behaved dog. He doesn't jump on people, he has good manner, waits to be let in and out of doors and most importantly doesn't snap or grab things from people. It hasn't been easy but it has been worth it, and using a clicker (pictured above) has been life changing. This being said, we have only had him for 3 months and it's important to stick with your training, especially when you feel like your dogs knows all the tricks you have taught them. It's especially important to keep changing up the environment in which you ask your dog to do things for you, thereby helping to cement their learning.   I can highly recommend Kiko Pup on youtube & Training Positive.  Clicker training used food based rewards, but these videos give lots of advice for weaning your pup off the treats and ensuring your dog continues to do what you want him to do even without the treats. 


One of our biggest challenges has been to train Shadow to walk nicely on the lead. Using a harness instead of his just his collar has helped a lot but he still pulls and is a bit of a pain to take on walks. We do have a car, so luckily we can drive off to a field to give him his exercise but lead walking is a very important skill your dog needs to know how to do, and to do well. Click here for the link to where we bought this harness. It's soft and padded and doesn't cut into him like other harnesses have. They also have all sizes and colours and so you should be able to find one to fit your dog.

We only use the extension lead when we take him out to go to the bathroom.


Deciding where or how you want your dog to use the bathroom is another big decision to make. A lot of people use pee pads for their dogs, but we don't want our dog to get used to those and then have to be re-trained to go outside when we move back home. It's not easy having to wake up in the middle of the night in the freezing cold and take your dog out for a walk in the snow but it's a decision we have made. Shadow was pretty much housetrained from the moment we got him (something that is a common trait of Korean Jindos) and only pooed in the house on the first night we got him. Since then he has only had a handful off weeing accidents, mostly due to us not taking him out after he has eaten, slept  or been playing. Puppies should be taken out to the bathroom after each meal, ,nap, or play time until they are about 4 months old. 


Shadow is growing like a weed and has outgrown two collars already. This is one I found on Gmarket (click here) for him that included laser engraving for his name and for my number in case he gets lost. It comes in a variety of colours and sizes (it can be very hard to find a collar for larger dogs and this company were super easy to deal with!).

There is alot more I am still to learn about having a dog, but these are the basics that have helped us over the past 3 months. Do you have any other suggestions of tips for having a dog here in Korea? 

Learning to say Yes to No

The year is about to draw to a close, and instead of being excited about our upcoming holiday home to South Africa, all I can think about are the millions of things I haven't done or still need to do.

You see I have a serious problem. My problem is with the word 'No'. It doesn't exist in my vocabulary, it has no place in my life and I am suffering because of it.

It's not just because I have a problem saying no to people.  I also have a problem saying no to myself. I AM ALWAYS BUSY. You used to be able to find me curled up on a couch somewhere, a cup of tea in one hand, a huge science fiction book in the other. My mom used to call me lazy. Farmboy even used the 'L' word on more than one occasion.

But not now.

Now I barely have time to go to the loo. And I'm only now beginning to realise that I am pretty much stressed most of the time and I have no idea how to deal with it.

BUT I like being busy. I feel productive in my busyness. I feel like I am living my life to the full and making the most of each and every second of this precious like God has given to me. Or so I thought. In fact, what I am really doing is accomplishing a great deal of unimportant things without leaving room for the terribly important things, like hugs from my husband in the morning. Kisses and loves from my puppy when he wakes up. Spontaneous tea dates with friends. 

I feel like I have failed myself if I don't tick off 20 things on my to do list every day, and of course it's bonus points for ticking off the extra things that get added to that same list on that same day. And even after Farmboy and I had a very serious discussion about unbusying our lives last week, we (or should I say I) have got another jam-packed schedule for the next couple of days.

Here is a little peek into a normal weekend for us in the Hutton household:


16h30 Finish work.

17h00 Take dog to the Vet to be neutered. This is the only day this can be done because vet goes away on conference for the following week and we are leaving pup with friends for 3 weeks while we are in South Africa for holidays. As pup has started 'having fun' with various pieces of furniture and human legs, we'd rather not risk any unfortunate accidents of pup running off in search of a lady friend for said friends while we are away (this is most probably just me being terribly paranoid but better safe than sorry, right?).

18h00 head to friends house for girls night.

23h30 walk home (it takes all will power not to pick up discarded mattress from the pavement for use as spare bed when friends come and stay...it's snowing heavily but this does little to dissuade me that I NEED to pick up this mattress). Phone husband who tells me I have lost my marbles. Walk past mattress SLOWLY, twice trying to physically lift it myself, in the snow, at midnight. Realise it's impossible, walk the rest of the way home plotting how to convince husband to help me get it in the morning.


5am up and showered (no time for tea or breakfast) as we are headed to Costco, a mega warehouse mecca a supposed 2 hour drive from our small town.

7am It's still snowing heavily. Recently operated on dog is carried into the car (with his Cone of Shame) as we can't leave him at home. Realized late last night this was probably not the wisest of ideas, but it's too late to find someone to look after him for the day.

07h30 Try to break into our car as it has frozen shut from the cold and snow. Wipers are frozen solid, doors are frozen closed.

8am Manage to get car open. Pick up friend and head out for our journey to Costco.

9am Take the wrong turn (I was distracted by trying to photograph the heavy snow falling all around us). Have to take a detour. We are all hungry, dog needs to wee and we are having to pull off on the side of the highway every 15 minutes to pour water onto the windows to defrost them as wiper fluid has frozen. Still snowing heavily.

12h30 finally arrive at destination. What should have taken us under 2 hours took us 4 and a half instead. Dog is high on pain meds, humans are all grumpy and hungry. And now we have to attempt to locate 5 items in a massive warehouse filled with people and big trolleys. No worries, right? Also are late for meeting up with friends who are due to leave the country soon. Have only 2 hours with them as have just remembered the vet told us he needs to check on dogs stitches and will only be in the vet's office until 16h00. Considering it took us 4.5 hours to get here, we have yet to meet our friends or do the shopping that can only be done here at Costco, I sigh and realise we won't make it back in time. Have bought an extra 2 hours of time. Small relief.

13h00 Husband walks dog around 4th floor of parking lot as there is no way to reach the grassy park behind the building now that we have parked the car. Poor pup is high on pain meds and not really sure what's going on.

13h30 - 14h30 Quick lunch with friends. I am at this time feeling very anxious to see if Costco even has the most important thing we came all the way here for. Grain Free dog food (Pups food has been out of stock all month) and we have to stock up for our trip away. I officially sound like a deranged 'dog woman'. 

15h00 Am terribly rude and rush saying goodbye to friends so I can race around the store to locate dog food. Only one kind in stock, no choice but to buy it (along with a whole trolley load of stuff we don't really need). Get to the till and realise our card has expired, hold up entire queue of people to draw cash to pay for items and new card. Argue with husband, make friend feel awkward and am leave Costco feeling grumpy and angry at the world.

15h30 Get back to puppy who has forgotten how to hold in his liquids due to his little op and who proceeds to wee all over the back seat of the car. Perfect timing. Race off to a park nearby for him to run around.

16h00 Start the long journey home. Only get lost twice while trying to follow tiny iPhone GPS screen. Get home in 3 hours.

19h00 - 21h00 Decide it's a good time to start wrapping orders from my stationery store. Try and convince hubby to help me with filming my first Youtuube video in the morning.


6am up and cleaning the house. Find a million things that need cleaning and sorting out.

9am continue to convince husband to help with video. It's not working. Take dog outside for a quick walk. Mattress is still there. Even covered in snow it looks like a good idea to 'liberate it'. Realize I can't hold the dog and carry it home, give up on mattress...for now. 

10am Start wrapping Christmas presents for family. Get distracted by washing bedding and mopping the floor. Husband isn't home to badger about the video. He has gone out to relax at the computer gaming center. Start laying out items in my 'studio' for the filming of my video. Realise I don't have the most vital element needed for the DIY. Leave everything and continue mopping the floor. 

12h30 Have 5 things happening at once (video set up, Christmas presents, floor mopping, bedding needing to be hung up, dog needing to go outside) and realize I haven't eaten yet. Make tea...that will do.

13h00 Husband returns, bearing gifts (the missing item needed for my DIY video) and he is all ready and willing to help me with Youtube video. Make him a quick snack and get ready for filming.

13h30 - 16h00 Wrap up filming. Try and convince super star husband to start editing video right away. He starts and gives up after 30 minutes (understandably, he is tired). I give up and head to my computer to try editing it myself.

18h00 Try and convince husband to help with filming a second video. He resists. I cannot understand why he WON'T help me and proceed to attempt it myself. Fail miserably. Run a bath, realize bathroom is 'filthy' and start cleaning and scrubbing. Forget about bath and nearly flood the house. 

20h00 Freak out when realizing I haven't placed order for an international item for a particular person's Christmas present and order it in a hurry online. Finally remember my now freezing cold bath, and have to run it again. Get distracted by instagramming the Christmas Tree and nearly flood the house, again.

21h30 Collapse into bed.

That's pretty much how our weekends are and only an indication of 2 out of 7 days. We also teach night classes from 6 - 8pm three times a week and try to 'live' in the few hours we have spare in between. This isn't healthy. It's not good for us and I have no idea where or how to stop. I am a very organised person, and it's not a case of not being on top of things that need doing, it's a case of needing to stop adding extra things to an already jam packed day. But I have no idea how to turn my brain off and stop it from feeling the NEED to be busy and do things all day. The days when I have been forced to stay in bed by Farmboy have been soooo hard for me. I don't feel at all rested after them (probably because I sneak my computer into the room and start blogging and planning all kinds of photoshoots that I just HAVE to do). I don't know how to destress as I have always thought that accomplishing things on my To Do list was a kind of de-stress activity. Clearly not.

I wanted to post the above to see If I am the only one driving myself to an early breakdown, or whether there are kindred souls out there with tips for managing stress. I sleep really well (probably because I exhaust myself every day) and I don't have anxiety attacks or any other of the typical symptoms of stress or burnout. And I don't even have children yet, and thinking about our lives now, I am frightened at the thought of little ones being added to the mix. A dog has been stressful enough! 

And so with another terribly busy few days coming up I have a few hours to myself at school with no lessons, and so I thought I'd try to google 'How to be less Stressed'. A whole bunch of nonsense popped up, but in and amoungst the white noise I found these tips by Becoming Minimalist:

1. Realize that being busy is a choice. It is a decision we make. We are never forced into a lifestyle of busyness. The first, and most important, step to becoming less busy is to simply realize that our schedules are determined by us. We do have a choice in the matter. We don’t have to live busy lives.

2. Stop the glorification of busy. Busy, in and of itself, is not a badge of honor. In fact, directed at the wrong pursuits, it is actually a limiting factor to our full potential. It is okay to not be busy. Repeat this with me: It is okay to not be busy.

3. Appreciate and schedule rest. One of the reasons many of us keep busy schedules is we fail to recognize the value of rest. But rest is beneficial to our bodies, our minds, and our souls. Set aside one day per week for rest and family. Intentionally schedule it on your calendar. Then, guard it at all costs.

4. Revisit your priorities. Become more intentional with your priorities and pursuits in life. Determine again what are the most significant contributions you can offer this world. And schedule your time around those first. Busyness is, at its core, about misplaced priorities.

5. Own fewer possessions. The things we own take up far more time and mental energy than we realize. They need to be cleaned, organized, and maintained. And the more we own, the more time is required. Own less stuff. And find more time because of it.

6. Cultivate space in your daily routine. Take time for lunch. Find space in your morning to sit quietly before starting your day. Invest in solitude, meditation, or yoga. Find opportunity for breaks at work in between projects. Begin right away cultivating little moments of space and margin in your otherwise busy day.

7. Find freedom in the word, “no.” Seneca wrote, “Everybody agrees that no one pursuit can be successfully followed by a man who is preoccupied with many things.” Recognize the inherent value in the word “no.” Learning to say “no” to less important commitments opens your life to pursue the most important.

Busy does not need to define you. Unbusy is possible. It’s okay to be happy with a calm life. 

Source: WordsOverPixels

Source: WordsOverPixels

So now I need to see if I can actually internalize the above, and to really take to heart what Farmboy has been telling me this whole year. And so, my one resolution for the New Year is to do less. To stop and smell the roses, and to (at least try!) to just be in the moment and enjoy it, instead of thinking ahead to the next hundred things I feel I HAVE to get done in order for my day to be complete.

Do you have any tips for dealing with stress, the need to be in control or the need to be busy? 


Weekly Wishes {#11}

Hello and welcome to my Weekly Wishes series where I talk about my goals and wishes for the week ahead. Popping them here on the blog will hopefully helps me to stay on track with the things I want to do or get done. These posts are part of a link up by The Nectar Collective where Melissa has a wonderful community of women who link up their weekly wishes and are there to support and encourage one another. It's also a great way to make new friends and find new blogs to follow, why don't you join me?

Last weeks wishes (YAY! They all got done!):

1. Launch my Youtube Channel:

2. Post off recent orders from my Stationery Store:

3. Research our possible upcoming trip to Russia.

4. Wrap and finalise prezzies for our trip back home to South Africa in Jan.

This Weeks Wishes

1.. Get baking for our Christmas Eve dinner. I'm planning on making two  cheesecakes (I'm thinking of trying an Oreo Cheesecake if anyone has any great recipes please share them with me!).

2. Finalise everything our pup needs for his stay with friends. We are heading home to South Africa for 3 weeks and have wonderful friends who have offered to look after Shadow while we are away. I just need to make sure we have packed everything he needs.

3. Get pup to the vet so we can hopefully remove his cone. He was netured last week and has had to wear this thing ever since. Poor guy:

That's all I have for this week. Do you have anything you really need to get done this week? Drop me a comment below, I'd love to hear from you.

Have a wonderful week everyone <3

Weekly Wishes {10}


Hello and welcome to my Weekly Wishes series where I talk about my goals and wishes for the week ahead. Popping them here on the blog will hopefully helps me to stay on track with the things I want to do or get done. These posts are part of a link up by The Nectar Collective where Melissa has a wonderful community of women who link up their weekly wishes and are there to support and encourage one another. It's also a great way to make new friends and find new blogs to follow, why don't you join me?

I am happy to say that I completed all my goals for last week and am ready to tick the following ones off my To Do list! There is always something that I don't manage to do in this series, but last week was a rather productive one and I am ready to do the same for this week.


1. Publish my very first Youtube video! This has been long in the pipeline, but there has always been some excuse I have found not to get it done. I wrapped up filming this past weekend, and thanks the my hubby's incredible movie editing skills my video is just about ready to go live! Now I just have to stop worrying about what everyone will think when they see it!

2. Post off the recent orders I have from my stationery store. I've got packages going to Belgium and packages off to the US! Packing up orders is one of my most favourite things to do...here is a little peak of some of the new items I have in stock. Click here to see the rest of the items (I have calendars, notebooks, washi tape and lots lots more).

3. Do lots of research into our possible trip to Russia in February. I think the visa process for South Africans is a little complicated so I want to get the ball rolling and find out if we will be ale to get it sorted out in time.

4. Finalise Christmas presents for our family for our trip back home so South Africa at the end of this month. We have been away from home for a year and a half and are so excited to see everyone again. We have 3 weeks in sunny South Africa (although I can't really bear the thought of being away from our little pup for that long). 

That's all I have for this week. Do you have anything you really need to get done this week? Drop me a comment below, I'd love to hear from you.

Have a wonderful week everyone <3

Caylee Grey Blog Feature

I was recently featured on Caylee Grey's delightful blog as part of her Hello Lovely series. In this series Caylee interviews creatives and gives them the opportunity to display their answers in any form (drawing, doodling, scrap booking, crafting etc) except in the form of boring typed text. I found this really challenging as most of the other ladies she has had on her blog are incredible talented artists, and my drawing skills leave lot to be desired. So it took me a terribly long time to finally come up with a way to combine my passions and skills, but I am really happy with what I put together.

To read the whole article click here to be directed to Caylee's lovely corner of the interweb.

Weekly Wishes {9}

Hello and welcome to my Weekly Wishes series where I talk about my goals and wishes for the week ahead. Popping them here on the blog will hopefully help me to stay on track with the things I want to do or get done. These posts are part of a link up by The Nectar Collective where Melissa has a wonderful community of women who link up their weekly wishes and are there to support and encourage one another. It's also a great way to make new friends and find new blogs to follow, why don't you join me?

It's been a little while since I posted my weekly wishes here on the blog. As usual life has a funny way of sneaking up on you and suddenly it's the last month of the year and you're left wondering where the year went. 

This week's wishes

1. Drink more water. Winter has arrived with full force and making sure I'm drinking enough water has been hard. It's so cold that drinking water from the tap just seems like torture. I have been pretty bad with only drinking tea during the day, until I read this article and saw the before & after photographs of a woman who started drinking 3 liters of water a day and the results she had in one month. Pretty amazing! 

2. Post my latest beauty review of Klairs products from Wishtrend.

3. Post a recipe for homemade chia spice that I made especially for hot chocolate this past weekend.

4. Update my stationery store with the new notebooks I found this weekend.

That's all I have for this week. Do you have anything you really need to get done this week? Drop me a comment below, I'd love to hear from you.

Have a wonderful week everyone <3

#16Days2014 16 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women & Children

November 25th marked the start of 16 days of Activism for No violence Against Women & Children in South Africa.

The 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children is an international awareness-raising campaign that takes place every year from 25 November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) to 10 December (International Human Rights Day). The period includes Universal Children’s Day and World AIDS DaySouth African Government

I am posting this today with the single aim of raising awareness for something that is on my heart. Human trafficking is another evil form of violence against women and children and something that we often feel we are completely unequipped to help do anything about. One thing that each of us is able to do is to raise awareness.


You can use Facebook to share this post, you can share inspiring images of women who have overcome violence on Pinterest. You can show those around you that you care enough to interrupt your Facebook feed of images of yourself and friends and show the world things that may be uncomfortable to see but that are happening around us all the time. The first step in making a difference is simply to be aware and make others aware of what is going on around us.

Source: Neha Rawat Battish / Via&nbsp;Facebook: shilosuleman

Source: Neha Rawat Battish / Via Facebook: shilosuleman

This year’s 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children Campaign (16 Days campaign) is important because it commemoratse a number of milestones. The year 2014 marks 60 years since the signing of the Women’s Charter on 17 April 1954 in Johannesburg; 20 years of freedom and democracy in South Africa and 16 years of the 16 Days of Activism Campaign. South African Government

Source: Abhishek Choudhury / Via&nbsp;Facebook: shilosuleman

Source: Abhishek Choudhury / Via Facebook: shilosuleman

South Africa adopted the campaign in 1998 as one of the intervention strategies towards creating a society free of violence. The campaign continues to raise  awareness amongst South Africans about the negative impact of violence against women and children (VAW&C) on all members of the community. South African Government

Source: RedDot.de

Source: RedDot.de

What is violence against women and children?

Violence takes many forms, for example:

  • Physical violence in the form of domestic violence, terrible violent crime such as murder, robbery, rape and assault.

  • Emotional violence and trauma at many levels caused by many factors. Women and children in their homes, at work, at schools, on our streets, in our communities suffer this form of violence for various reasons.

  • Another terrible blight of our democracy is the violence of poverty, starvation, humiliation and degradation, especially against women and children. Poverty, inequality and unemployment are conditions under which violence thrives. South African Government

 Here are a few ways that the South African government have outlined as ways to help during these days of Activism.

*Please note the numbers listed below are for South Africa.

What can you do?

  • Support the campaign by wearing a white ribbon during the 16-day period: A white ribbon is a symbol of peace and symbolises the commitment of the wearer to never commit or condone violence against women and children.
  • Participate in the various 16 Days of Activism events and activities: See the calendar outlining events taking place around the country over the period of the 16 days.
  • Volunteer in support of NGOs and community groups who support abused women and children: Many organisations need assistance from the public. You can volunteer your time and make a contribution to the work of institutions. Help plant a garden at a shelter, sponsor plastic tables and chairs for kids at a clinic or join an organisation as a counsellor. Use your skills and knowledge to help the victims of abuse.
  • Speak out against woman and child abuse.
    • Encourage silent female victims to talk about abuse and ensure that they get help.
    • Report child abuse to the police.
    • Encourage children to report bully behaviour to school authorities.
    • Men and boys are encouraged to talk about abuse and actively discourage abusive behaviour.
    • Seek help if you are emotionally, physically or sexually abusive to your partner and/or children. Call the Stop Gender Based Violence helpline (0800 150 150).
    • Talk to friends, relatives and colleagues to take a stand against abuse of women and children.
    • Try and understand how your own attitudes and actions might perpetuate sexism and violence.
    • Spread the message on social media using #16Days2014
  • Join community policing forums (CPFs): The community and the local police stations are active partners in ensuring local safety and security. The goal is to bring about effective crime prevention by launching intelligence-driven crime-prevention projects in partnership with the local community.You may want to also become a  reservist, a member of the community who volunteers his/her services and time to support local policing efforts to fight crime. For  more information on how to join, contact your local police station. South African Government

Below I want to share the story of Leslie Morgan Steiner. Leslie was in “crazy love” — that is, madly in love with a man who routinely abused her and threatened her life. Steiner tells the dark story of her relationship, correcting misconceptions many people hold about victims of domestic violence, and explaining how we can all help break the silence. 

Where to get help

  • What if you are abused [PDF]
  • Service contacts [PDF]
    • SAPS Crime Stop
      08600 10111
    • Gender-Based Violence Command Centre
      0800 428428/0800 GBV GBV
    • STOP Gender Violence Helpline
      0800 150 150/ *120*7867# from any cell phone
    • Childline- Report child abuse
      0800 055 555
    • Elderly people helpline
      0800 003 081
    • Family and Marriage Society of South Africa – Advice on family relationships
      011 975 7107
    • Thuthuzela Care Centres-
      012 8456136
    • Suicide Crisis Line
      0800 567 567
    • Alcoholics Anonymous SA
      0861 435 722 Substance Abuse Helpline 0800 121 314
    • Narcotics Anonymous SA
      0839 00 69 62
    • Mental Health Information Line
      0800 567 567
    • AIDS Helpline
      0800 012 322 / 011 725 6710
    • National Anti-Corruption Hotline
      0800 701 701
    • Disaster Operations Centre
      080 911 4357
    • Crisis Line
      0861 574747
    • National Crisis Line- Counselling Service
      086 132 2322
    • Human Trafficking
      08000 737 283 (08000 rescue) / 082 455 3664
    • SASSA- Grants enquiries
      0800 60 10 11 or CPS 0800 60 01 60
    • SA National Council for Child Welfare
      011 339 5741
    • Legal Aid
      0800 1110 110
    • Presidential hotline - Unresolved service delivery complaints
      17737 (1 PRES)
    • National Anti-corruption Forum
      0800 701 701
    • Cancer Association of South Africa
      0800 22 66 22

South African Government

#DIYDaysInKorea {third meet-up}


Last weekend I organised the third #DIYDaysInKorea get together for crafty ladies here in South Korea. 

It was such a nice opportunity to spend time together, without spending a whole lot of money but while still having fun.  There was good food, homemade Gluwein, laughs and a whole lot of DIYing (not too much from my end, I like to think my DIY part comes in taking the photographs!).

We even have a Pinterest board for us to share ideas and inspire one another, we're cool like that. If you're here in Korea and you'd like to join in the next time we get together (sometime in February next year) join our Facebook group (click here), we'd love to have you!

Halloween Lesson Ideas for young ESL students

Halloween lesson ideas for teaching english

We don't do much to celebrate Halloween in South Africa, and it seems it's the same here in South Korea. Many of my students haven't ever heard the word Halloween before, so it seemed like a good a time as any to have some fun with ghosts and jack o' lanterns, witches and black cats. I currently teach middle school students, but have also taught younger levels and these activities have worked for all levels.

We spent a good couple of lessons going over Autumn/Fall vocabulary with these great songs (each one is linked below) and then the activities we did are pictured and explained below too:



Scarecrow Project:

You Need: 




-coloured paper

-white paper to stick your scarecrow onto

The Scarecrow Song (great for teaching parts of the body)

The Shapes Song (a great song for calming down students if the lessons starts to get too out of hand, the kids really do love this song and I have been playing it for over a year intermittently)

We made scarecrows out of shapes for this activity.  I started off having the students draw the shapes I would call out. I called out the shapes that could make up a scarecrow but didn't tell them where to draw the shapes. For example '1 big square....2 small circles...1 big triangle). It was fun to see what sort of creatures the students made with their shapes. At the end of this activity I showed them that I had used those shapes to create a scarecrow. This then sets the theme for the lesson and helps for the students to grasp the next activity. They loved looking at each others weird and wonderful creations.

I then gave each student a stack of coloured paper, glue and scissors and called out each shape and colour that I wanted them to cut out. I made sure each student was keeping up and not falling behind as the sequence is quite important. Here is what the students ended up with:



Halloween Masks

You need:

-mask printables (downloaded from MrPrintables click here)

-thick card

-straws (I used string the last time but the masks were too flimsy and kept tearing apart so this time we made hand held masks)


-craft knife (to cut out the eyes)

-coloured pens and pencils

Trick or Treat Song (can be a little too scary for younger students so make sure to play it with the lights on first)

Spooky Spooky (this is a firm favourite with all my students, even my middle school girls!)

The halloween masks activity was super simple to do. I introduced the above Halloween songs, we practised the vocabulary by having the students some up to the board and draw what they saw in the song. Then I showed them an example of the mask from the MrPrintables site and bombs away. Use a craft knife to cut out the eye holes, tape the straw to the back of the mask an let havoc ensue!

Halloween Cookies

For our last Halloween lesson I got some chocolate decorating pens from CNA (one of the local stationery stores here in Korea), a bunch of different biscuits and cookies, and then let the kids go crazy decorating. Some of them were so creative that I was blown away. My favourite is the last cookie...my youngest student made do with the cookie given to her...

Shadow our Korean Jindo puppy


World, meet Shadow, our +-2 month old black and tan rescue Jindo puppy. We think he is a Jindo from what we can found out on Google (Rotweillers and German Shepards are extremely uncommon here in Korea) so this seems like the most likely option considering his colouring.


Farmboy and I found Shadow 3 weeks ago wondering around a dark road, late at night and narrowing avoiding oncoming traffic. He had no sign of any owners, so we picked him up and took him for the night with no intentions of keeping him. We have since found out that his owner had to go to the military and aren't sure whether he was being sold for food (eating dog meat it is an age old tradition here in Korea) or whether he was destined for a life chained up outside a kennel.

Jindo dogs originate from Jindo Island, a small island off the West Coast of South Korea. Jindos were bred for hunting and are most well known for their fierce loyalty and brave nature. Mainland Koreans keep Jindos as watch dogs, and all of the ones we have seen are chained up outside their homes. We have only ever seen 4 or 5 Jindos being taken for a walk by their owners in the 2.5 years we have lived in Korea. Space is a big issue here in Korea, and that is why when Koreans choose to have dogs as pets they favor the small breeds, like Chihuahuas, Toy Pomeranians, Maltese Poodles and Pekingese. 


Jindo's grow to a medium size, similar to the a Border Collie . We don't think Shadow's original owner would have been as uncaring as we was if he was a pure Jindo pup, so depending on what mix he is he might be smaller (or maybe even larger!) than a sheep dog. Jindos come in 6 different colours. White, Yellow or Brown, Black & Tan, Grey, Tiger Brindle and solid Black. White and Yellow are the most prized and popular colours.

As I have spent the past 3 weeks scouring the internet for information on this unusual breed, I thought I'd share some facts with you about them:

1. They are pretty much housebroken automatically - We just though Shadow was super smart II'm sure everyone thinks this about their dog), having only pooped in the house on the first night we had him and then only peed once or twice since then if we ignored his winning in the early hours of the morning.

2. They are super-clean. Like most northern breeds, they have self-cleaning coats. Dirt just falls right off, and they are super fastidious about the condition of their fur and groom themselves like cats. They also have no doggy odor. 

3. They are aloof with strangers. Jindos are incredibly loyal and loving to the people they know and love, not just their owners. But a correct Jindo temperament means that they will ignore or avoid attention from strangers - Because of this we are trying to socialise Shadow as much as possible with our friends so that he gets used to being petted and stroked by people. We have also read that Jindos only bond with one owner in their life, I'm not sure just how true this is, but it has been the most consistent thing Korean friends have mentioned to us when we tell them we think he is a Jindo. 


4. They are quiet. Some dogs yap or bark for attention. A socialised Jindo only occasionally barks when he feels it is absolutely necessary - Shadow only has barked a total of 5 times since we found him.

5. They are wonderful guard dogs. They have a strong sense of territory and will work very hard to maintain borders and to protect their families. 

6. They are incredibly intelligent. This dog was bred to think for themselves. They have very strong problem-solving capabilities, and if left in a backyard 24/7 will find a way to entertain themselves and escape. Also, they are so smart and independent that although they pick up obedience commands very quickly, they don't always listen. Similar to cats. But on the other hand, they are super-submissive to their owners. A harsh word can bring them quivering to their bellies. In that sense, they are a soft breed that needs very positive training techniques. 


7. They are very quiet and calm inside the house. As puppies they can be destructive like any other breed, if not excercised enough, but as adults, you hardly notice they are there until they come by to check up on you. They don't even like to go on furniture. This is a common trait  with fellow Jindo owners. You invite them to sit on the sofa with you, but once you're done petting them, they prefer to be laying next to your feet.  So the upholstery stays clean. - We gave Shadow all kinds of blankets and pillows, and yet he prefers to sleep on the floor

8. They are the best independent hunting dogs. They were made to hunt their prey in difficult terrain. They will range over large territories in pursuit of game. This is part of the reason why they are known for "wandering" if not kept indoors - This is why we are okay with keeping him inside our apartment during the day when we are away at work. We make sure to walk him twice a day and play with him whenever we are home, and so far so good. 

*Thanks to The Jindo Project for the above information.


However, having a dog in Korea is not ideal. It's not ideal for any dog to be kept inside alone all day. But we are making it work. We are very lucky that so far we haven't had a problem with any barking, and so have had no complaining from our neighbours. This has been a big problem for a lot of our friends who have dogs here in Korea. And the fact that we are now 'tied' down, and can't just jet off for holidays has been something else to consider. Luckily we have a car here in Korea, so we are able to take him with us when we go away for the weekends (we usually camp and so have had no issues so far with accommodation...click here for more posts on camping in Korea).


The last hurdle we have had to deal with is the cost of taking him back with us to South Africa when we leave Korea in 2016. It costs A LOT to take a dog to SA (they have to go into quarantine, they need blood work sent back and forth to Korea and SA, the cost of the flight alone is ridiculous...we're talking thousands of $US). But, to us he is worth it, and we are simply going to make it work. We had never planned on having any pets in Korea, we knew the costs and the apartment living situation wouldn't be good for any animal, but Shadow came into our lives the night before our two year wedding anniversary. And well, he just feels right. 


So please bear with me as I flood Instagram and Facebook with images of #ShadowTheJindo. I'm sure the puppy pictures will once again make way to stationery and other pretty things, but for now I hope you can understand that with a blogger and photographer mom, he is going to be one photographed pooch!


Happy Friday

Happy Friday everyone!

I hope you have a *sweet* day and a fun filled weekend ahead.

Tomorrow is the second #DIYDaysInKorea meet up. I'm looking forward to baking this afternoon and seeing all the wonderful ladies who are coming along to share a Saturday afternoon with creativity, good company and as always...good food. 

Self Portrait Challenge // week 2 The Mirror Selfie


This is a challenge to photograph a self portrait image {or two} every week for the rest of the year. By forcing myself in front of the camera I hope to learn a thing a two about posing my models and clients, and perhaps be creatively inspired to try a few new things that scare me. Click here to see the previous posts.

I am also included all the settings I used to take these photographs, in case are interested in recreating them or want to know more about how I take my photographs. 


The Mirror Selfie


Camera: Nikon d700

Lens: 50mm 1.4D

Settings: ISO 400 Aperture F/1.6 Shutter speed 1/200 sec

Post editing: basic exposure & noise correction in LightRoom


Camera: Nikon d700

Lens: 50mm 1.4D

Settings: ISO 400 Aperture F/1.6 Shutter speed 1/200 sec

Post editing: basic exposure & noise correction in LightRoom, black & white conversion

Would you like to join the challenge? No fancy cameras needed. You can even use your phone. This challenge is a fun way to challenge yourself to get in front of the camera, instead of hiding behind it. I'd love for you to join me!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone.


Weekly Wishes {8}


Hello and welcome to my Weekly Wishes series where I talk about my goals and wishes for the week ahead. Popping them here on the blog will hopefully help me to stay on track with the things I want to do or get done. These posts are part of a link up by The Nectar Collective where Melissa has a wonderful community of women who link up their weekly wishes and are there to support and encourage one another. It's also a great way to make new friends and find new blogs to follow, why don't you join me?


1. Get back into my early morning exercise routine. That includes a 30 - 40 minute Blogilates session (using the app workout calendar which I have downloaded onto my phone. Simply download the app, buy the calendar for 99c and then go through each video posted for that day). Then a 30 minute yoga session (I have really been enjoying the website DoYogaWithMe which has loads of different videos to choose from, from 15 minute quick pick me up sessions, to 90 minute strength classes, all free to stream online).

2. Start planning for the upcoming festivals that will be happening here in Korea. I need to choose which festivals I want to see, and then start marking them down in my diary before the weekends all fill up with other activities.

3. Post my new giveaway with TJ Stationery.

4. Get organising the latest #DIYDaysInKorea meet-up which will be next month! Click here to find out more or join our Facebook group to be part of the next one.

That's all I have for this week.Do you have anything you really need to get done this week? Drop me a comment below, I'd love to hear from you.

Have a wonderful week everyone <3

Self Portrait Challenge // week 1 double exposure


Today I was inspired to start a weekly self portrait challenge. This is by no means a way to showcase my face all over this blog, but rather a way to practice portrait photography and try out new techniques and poses (without having to track down a friend and force them to pose awkwardly for me). I love shooting portraits, and am always trying to find new and creative ways to showcase my subjects beauty, so I hope that I can apply the new things I've learnt online so I can share them with you.

I will also be posting what settings I used and whether I did any editing to the photographs so you can try them at home.

Thank you to the lovely Colette & Kristien who inspired me to start this challenge today.

Experimenting with Double & Multiple Exposure

Camera: Nikon d700

Lens: 50mm 1.4D

Settings: ISO 2200, Aperture F/16, Shutter speed 1/200

No post editing

CityGirlsearchingPhotographySelfPortrait (1 of 2).jpg

Camera: Nikon d700

Lens: 50mm 1.4D

Settings: ISO 1250, Aperture F/3.5, Shutter speed 1/1600

No post editing

I learnt so much about double (and multiple) exposure today (thank you to another of my favourite South African bloggers, Emma Jane Nation for further inspiration on this subject).

I created the layering of images in camera, instead of the alternative way of producing these images in Photoshop and was surprised at just how simple it was to do.

If you'd like me to do a tutorial on double exposure, let me know in the comments below. 

Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone!


Weekly Wishes {7}


Hello and welcome to my Weekly Wishes series where I talk about my goals and wishes for the week ahead. Popping them here on the blog will hopefully help me to stay on track with the things I want to do or get done. These posts are part of a link up by The Nectar Collective where Melissa has a wonderful community of women who link up their weekly wishes and are there to support and encourage one another. It's also a great way to make new friends and find new blogs to follow, why don't you join me?


Today marks the first official day of the second semester at my school (I teach English at an all girls middle school here in South Korea).

Farmboy and I just got back from a wonderful trip to Bali for our summer holiday and now it's time to get back into some sort of routine again. So here are my goals for the week ahead:

1. Get back into the habit of drinking more water (at least 2 litres a day)

2. Put my Fitbit back on and commit to walking 10 000 steps a day for the next 5 days (you would be surprised just how difficult it actually is to walk 10 000 a steps a day. I thought I was a pretty active person, but 10 000 steps is a lot further than you'd think. Full review of my Fitbit to come soon).

3. Get prepared for the fundraisers a group of us here in my province are putting together to raise money for outreach projects that help those who have been affected by human trafficking. To find out more about what you can do to help, have a look at this wonderful organisation The Exodus Road, a nonprofit coalition that empowers freedom from sex slavery through covert investigation and rescue.

That's all I have for this week.Do you have anything you really need to get done this week? Drop me a comment below, I'd love to hear from you.

Have a wonderful week everyone <3

Weekly Wishes {6}


Hello and welcome to my Weekly Wishes series where I talk about my goals and wishes for the week ahead. Popping them here on the blog will hopefully help me to stay on track with the things I want to do or get done. These posts are part of a link up by The Nectar Collective where Melissa has a wonderful community of women who link up their weekly wishes and are there to support and encourage one another. It's also a great way to make new friends and find new blogs to follow, why don't you join me?


I have only one for this week. I wish my Grandpa would get better soon. He had a stroke recently and isn't doing very well. It's so hard being on the other side of the world when family members are sick. Gramps, take it easy and don't eat too many rusks, actually, you can have as many rusks as you like, I'll tell Gran.

Weekly Wishes {5}


Hello and welcome to my Weekly Wishes series where I talk about my goals and wishes for the week ahead. Popping them here on the blog will hopefully help me to stay on track with the things I want to do or get done. These posts are part of a link up by The Nectar Collective where Melissa has a wonderful community of women who link up their weekly wishes and are there to support and encourage one another. It's also a great way to make new friends and find new blogs to follow, why don't you join me?

It's Monday, and the perfect day to share my wishes for the upcoming week. If you'd like to join in simply click here and link up your blog post. 

This Weeks Wishes

1. REMOVE MY PHONE FROM THE BEDROOM AT NIGHT! Yes, this is still on my weekly wish list as I constantly need to be reminded to do it. I spend so much time on social media, that I often need to physically force myself back into the real world and just unplug. Do you have this problem too?

2. Publish my giveaway post. As this is my birthday month, I am celebrating by giving all my readers a chance of winning a goodie bag of pretty things from here in South Korea...think beauty products, cute little socks, washi tape, stickers and lots more!

3. Walk at least 10 000 steps a day with my new FitBit that Farmboy gave me for my birthday yesterday (full blog post to come soon). 

That's all I have for this week.Do you have anything you really need to get done this week? Drop me a comment below, I'd love to hear from you.

Have a wonderful week everyone <3

#summersplits2014 Yoga Challenge


After reading this post by Che from Indieberries I was super inspired to try out a yoga challenge and stretch my poor hamstrings which feel like loaded springs every morning. I have no idea why my hamstrings are always so tight, but they are and boy does that make my life difficult whenever I try any form of exercise. I read a rather funny description by someone somewhere that hamstring are like naughty children. Without the proper time, care and love every day, they revert to their bad behaviour every morning, and mine are as stubborn as stubborn gets. The days I stretch the most are the days they feel the tightest, naughty things. Anyway, let me get back on track here. I look nothing like Che (who looks like an elastic band than can stretch in any and all ways) but thats why I felt so inspired. We all have to start somewhere.

I have just finished the 30 day #summersplits2014 yoga challenge with @beachyogagirl and @kinoyoga on Instagram where at the beginning of the month they post a graphic with all the poses for the month. These were the poses for June:


You do the pose (along with as many other poses you want to do) snap a picture (Che recommends some good self timer apps here) and then upload it to Instagram and tag them in the picture as well as use the hashtag #summersplits2014 which was the hashtag for the June challenge. I can't say I can actually do the splits now, but I am so much more flexible than I was a month ago. And it took such a small part of my day, but left me energized and ready to take on  anything. I haven't noticed that much toning or change in my body, as I have been working out before the yoga sessions so I haven't noticed any drastic changes that haven't come from the exercise I was doing before, but my body feels different. My mind feels different, and it's a wonderful feeling. 

I did 25 out of the 30 poses, as I was just unable to do the head/hand stand poses without doing serious damage. The reason behind posting images on Instagram of yourself looking silly is so you can track your progress and connect with a wonderful and supportive community. You don't have to post the pictures, but I do encourage you to take photographs so you can look back and see how much you have improved. And you will improve. Everyday. By uploading my photographs I was put under pressure to keep doing so. And this pressure motivated me to do my poses every morning. Even 10 seconds spent in a pose does wonders for your flexibility, circulation and general health. So don't think that you need to spend 2 hours on the mat to start seeing results. If you are diligent, and at least do the one pose outlined everyday, you will notice all sorts of changes in your body. I now look forward to my time on the mat, and use it as a time to relax and mentally prepare for the day ahead.


Do you enjoy yoga? Have you ever tried a yoga challenge before? I'd love to hear from you!

Weekly Wishes


Hello and welcome to my Weekly Wishes series where I talk about my goals and wishes for the week ahead. Popping them here on the blog will hopefully help me to stay on track with the things I want to do or get done. These posts are part of a link up by The Nectar Collective where Melissa has a wonderful community of women who link up their weekly wishes and are there to support and encourage one another. It's also a great way to make new friends and find new blogs to follow, why don't you join me?

It's Monday, and the perfect day to share my wishes for the upcoming week. If you'd like to join in simply click here (and then click on the comments section of the top post) and link up your blog post. 

Last week's wishes were pretty much accomplished (although I STILL haven't been very good about removing my phone from the bedroom at night). I am going to keep on putting this wish down until I finally get my act together and make this change. I also decided not to join another yoga challenge (as I found I was far less focused on the actual yoga poses and more focused on getting the right photograph to post on Instagram, truth be told). So I am going to be telling you a little bit more about another fitness/pilates/yoga guru I have been following and working out with. I booked our cooking course for Bali (my mom is meeting us in Bali for our summer holidays...I am so excited to see her, it has been over a year since we have seen any family!). I also got stuck in with my camp planning and have been doing lots of research into practical ways of helping to end the way against Human Trafficking, by following along closely with the amazing work that goes on at The Exodus Road

This Weeks Wishes

1. Continue my research into human trafficking, with the objective of finding practical ways that we can make an actual difference in the lives of those affected by it. 

2. Finalise a new giveaway for the blog (this one is going to be a goodie, you don't want to miss out!).

3. Photograph the new stock I have in my Stationery Store, including putting together a few new smaller sized packages of pretty washi tapes and notebooks.

4. Finish at least 5 out of the 7 workouts scheduled for this week in the Blogilates July Workout Calendar. I have been following Jillian Michaels 3 day shred workouts for the past 9 months, and by now I can officially say I am bored out of my mind. So I downloaded the Blogilates app which is free, and then paid the $1.99 fee for the July calendar and have been loving the workouts! Each day there is a list of video workouts, ranging from 5 - 17 minutes, that are only unlocked on the day you start the challenge. It's still early in the month, and not too late for you to sign up, even if you aren't getting the full 31 days out of your $1.99. It's so worth it! Casey is a spunky and inspiring young lady (but she does talk the WHOLE way through her videos and some of you might find her constant sprouting of rainbows and pixie dust a little annoying. I don't, and I find the more she talks the less I actually concentrate on just how HARD the workouts are). There is no risk of getting bored as each of the workout videos (there are usually 4 - 7 per day) are different and focus on different parts of the body. And I cannot even explain to you just how stiff I am every morning. Even after doing Jillian for 9 months. It works!

On the app and on the website Cassey has free monthly workout calendars and eating plans, as well as forums for you to join and get inspired by reading the stories from the community of women who have seen amazing results. I like prefer the app because all the videos are in one place, you simply click on the next one in the list, do the workout, tick the box when you're done and open up the next video, all on the same 'screen/window' on the iPhone. It's super easy to follow and helps me when I really lazy, which is most days. She has workouts for everyday of the week, but one day is a stretch day where she combines pilates moves with elements of yoga to give your body a well deserved break, while still working on our flexibility and posture.

Let me know if you try Blogilates, I'd love to know your thoughts!


Do you have anything you really need to get done this week? Drop me a comment below, I'd love to hear from you.

Have a wonderful week everyone <3