Happy Birthday Farmboy!
/Today is my handsome Farmboy's birthday. This is his fourth birthday spent in South Korea (the first in 2010) and the last three have been since 2013. Tomorrow starts our final teaching contract and the last year countdown until we are back home in South Africa. It's going to be a good year!
This morning was celebrated with homemade cream cheese brownies (most definitely NOT Banting but very much birthday approved) tea and prezzies. #ShadowTheJindo has never been allowed on our bed...EVER...but he must have sensed it was a special day as he leaped up onto the covers to smother Farmboy in puppy kisses.
To my husband, my best friend and my partner in adventure...thank you for choosing to do life with me. For being so strong, so encouraging and just so darn cute with your jokes and your tricks that you constantly play on me. Life would be so boring without you in it and I look forward to all the birthdays and special days that lie ahead for us.