Hello everyone! Welcome back, I have a few questions for you.


Dear readers, thank you for coming back to visit after the last 2 weeks of silence here on the blog. Farmboy and I have just got back from a wonderful trip to Borneo (lots of travel information and photographs to come soon) and I have started work again today. Farmboy and I both teach English here in South Korea in a small town called Buan near the West Coast of Korea. 

If you're new to the blog then click here to find out more about what it is I write about. I've also laid out all the categories of my blog in a helpful way so don't miss out on my previous posts.

I have lots to share with you over the coming weeks but I would love to know from you what you would like to see more of here on the blog.

Are you wanting to read more in the lines of travel guides? Would you like to see more recipes? More makeup reviews? More personal posts about life here in Korea? Would you like me to make more videos (click here to visit my Youtube channel and see the videos I've done so far)?

I really do love blogging but for me what I love even more is providing useful information and content for you, and so you telling me what you'd like to see more of helps me to keep on creating.

I hope you all have a wonderful start to your week and that your Monday helps you start the week off with a bang!
