Weekly Wishes {13}
/Hello and welcome to my Weekly Wishes series where I talk about my goals and wishes for the week ahead. Popping them here on the blog helps me to stay on track with the things I want to do or get done. These posts are part of a link up by The Nectar Collective where Melissa has a wonderful community of women who link up their weekly wishes and are there to support and encourage one another. It's also a great way to make new friends and find new blogs to follow, why don't you join me?
Spring is finally here in South Korea and I couldn't be happier! The blossoms here are of my favourite things about living here, even though they don't last very long. So every chance I get I have been outside with my camera trying to find new ways to capture them. Do you get blossoms where you are in the world? Back home in South Africa we do get pretty blossoms, but nothing like the fruit trees here in Korea. Spring will be one of the things I miss most when we do decide to head back home, that's for sure. A change in seasons (much the same as Monday, the start of a new week) is always a good time to set some new goals and I'd love to hear yours too!
Weekly Wishes
1. Continue with the lead training my husband and I have been doing for our pup. Yesterday was the first time I have tried using hotdogs and boy oh boy was he a good pup. I'm hoping the sausages work, and that I am able to wean him off them too so he learns to walk just as nicely without the treats as with them!
2. Film a new Youtube video. I was recently tagged in a Youtube Challenge by Amy from the VDBees and I have been terrible at making it happen. I did film another video last week (yes, that is me sitting in a pink bathtub!) and so this week I want to film my challenge video.
3. It's also strawberry season here in Korea and I need to find some good recipes of things to make with them. I tried making strawberry fruit roll ups yesterday (they were a complete disaster!) and next up I have ideas for a cheesecake (Banting friendly of course!) so we shall see if that materializes. If you follow me on Instagram (@roxyhutton) you would have seen that I did make an incredible Banting cheesecake last week, so I am hoping to use the same recipe with my strawberries. I will post it here on the blog if it is a success! Do you have any other ideas for what I can make with hundreds of strawberries???
4. SEE MORE BLOSSOMS! Rain is forcast for the entire week starting tomorow, so I hope it lets off for a few hours one afternoons so I can capture some of the cherry blossoms in my area.

That's all I have for this week. Do you have anything you really need to get done this week? Drop me a comment below, I'd love to hear from you.
Have a wonderful week everyone <3