Weekly Wishes


Hello and welcome to my Weekly Wishes where I talk about my goals and wishes for the week ahead. Popping them here on the blog will hopefully help me to stay on track with the things I want to do or get done. These posts are part of a link up by The Nectar Collective where Melissa has a wonderful community of women who link up their weekly wishes and are there to support and encourage one another. It's also a great way to make new friends and find new blogs to follow, why don't you join me?

It's Monday, and the perfect day to share my wishes for the upcoming week. If you'd like to join in simply click here (and then click on the comments section of the top post) and link up your blog post. 

For the most part, I was able to fulfil my wishes from last week. I made a most delicious cheesecake (recipe to follow soon...and no oven is needed if you use store bought cookies for the base, I made my own cookies to use as the base). I completed my English Camp plan for the summer vacation and I am about to finish the 30 day yoga challenge, yipee! I haven't been so good about keeping my phone in the other room while I sleep, mainly (here comes all the excuses!) I have the charger next to my bed and so plug it in as soon as I go to bed. I'm going to move that charger when I get home today. I also did manage to make a donation to Precious Women Ministry in Cambodia for the work they do in helping women who are and have been involved in human trafficking. Putting this last wish here on the blog really did help me get this done, as I felt accountable putting it in writing. 


This Week's Wishes

1. Raise awareness for The Exodus Road, an organisation that is fighting to end child slavery. You might be wondering why all of a sudden I have been posting more about human trafficking, click here to read why. One of the things the Exodus Road does is to do fund search and rescue as well as investigative operations in the heart of the red light districts in cities all around South East Asia. It costs $35 a night to fund an investigation team (this money goes towards paying the girls for their 'time' literally, in the form of a drink while the team is able to ask questions and get valuable information needed to help these girls). If you would like to donate, click here to read more about the teams and what they do. You can donate via paypal or credit card. You may not be able to physically go and rescue children trapped in brothels, but you can send investigators to break down doors on your behalf. You can hire a mercenary of hope to look for victims of sexual slavery, to gather tips for police partners, and to begin collecting key evidence for rescue. As a thank you for your donation you will get a welcome packet in the mail from The Exodus Road with information about your team, a bumper sticker with “Rescue is Coming,” and some other small gifts and information. You’ll also receive regular updates from your field team about their efforts and will be given specific ways to connect with them via letters or special projects. The Exodus Road

2. Start my lesson planning for the Photography English Camp I am teaching in July

3. Book a cooking course for our trip to Bali in August (my mom is coming out from South Africa to join us in Bali! I can't wait to see her!).

4. Remove my phone from the bedroom, charger and all.

5. Join another yoga challenge for July.

Do you have anything you really need to get done this week? Drop me a comment below, I'd love to hear from you.

Have a wonderful week everyone <3