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Weekly Wishes {10}

Hello and welcome to my Weekly Wishes series where I talk about my goals and wishes for the week ahead. Popping them here on the blog will hopefully helps me to stay on track with the things I want to do or get done. These posts are part of a link up by The Nectar Collective where Melissa has a wonderful community of women who link up their weekly wishes and are there to support and encourage one another. It's also a great way to make new friends and find new blogs to follow, why don't you join me?

I am happy to say that I completed all my goals for last week and am ready to tick the following ones off my To Do list! There is always something that I don't manage to do in this series, but last week was a rather productive one and I am ready to do the same for this week.


1. Publish my very first Youtube video! This has been long in the pipeline, but there has always been some excuse I have found not to get it done. I wrapped up filming this past weekend, and thanks the my hubby's incredible movie editing skills my video is just about ready to go live! Now I just have to stop worrying about what everyone will think when they see it!

2. Post off the recent orders I have from my stationery store. I've got packages going to Belgium and packages off to the US! Packing up orders is one of my most favourite things to is a little peak of some of the new items I have in stock. Click here to see the rest of the items (I have calendars, notebooks, washi tape and lots lots more).

3. Do lots of research into our possible trip to Russia in February. I think the visa process for South Africans is a little complicated so I want to get the ball rolling and find out if we will be ale to get it sorted out in time.

4. Finalise Christmas presents for our family for our trip back home so South Africa at the end of this month. We have been away from home for a year and a half and are so excited to see everyone again. We have 3 weeks in sunny South Africa (although I can't really bear the thought of being away from our little pup for that long). 

That's all I have for this week. Do you have anything you really need to get done this week? Drop me a comment below, I'd love to hear from you.

Have a wonderful week everyone <3

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