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A touch of glitter {nail art}

I love painting my nails (for me, this means one color on all nails…very boring) but have recently dabbled in the field of nail artistry (not that the picture above is anything fancy or 'artistry' like but with only a few extra minutes and another colour or two, you can really add a little something extra to your standard manicure and update your look). 

Glitter has sparked my fancy lately, and I have been painting one nail differently to all the others. Not just because its effective in it's simplicity, but if you make a mistake, it's only one nail that needs to be repainted, and not the whole bunch (ain't nobody got time for that).

I used a warm greyish mocha colour as my base colour, and then used a rosy pink shade for my focus nail, topped off with a slick of silver glitter from The FaceShop (my all time favourite skincare and makeup brand here in South Korea).

When painting your nails, always make sure to apply a base coat first (to protect your nail base from staining and being damaged) and then a top coat (to extend the wear of your manicure). Here is a post I did a little while ago on growing your own beautiful, strong nails.