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Rob & Lee {Wedding}

Yesterday, Farmboy and I headed out to the beautiful Providence Wedding venue in Nottingham Road to celebrate the wedding of my dear friend Lee. The weather was awful, cold and wet, but it did nothing to dampen to moods of those present as we celebrated the union of two very special people, before God.

It's now officially, one week to go until Farmboy and I walk to the aisle! Last night was a wonderful escape from all the hustle and bustle of preparing for our wedding.  It's really important to try and take a break from the all the 'wedding' talk, and gain some perspective into the real meaning behind weddings.

I have had to be reminded a few times by friends that you are a bride for a day, but a wife for life. It's so easy to get carried away {read: obsessed} with every little detail, and worry about this going wrong, or that not happening at the right moment. And ladies, trust me when I say this, your man is going to go crazy with all the wedding talk...make sure to schedule in some 'couple' time where the {W} word isn't allowed to crop up :)

Here are a few photo's I took of the day {you might remember the Hen's party we threw for Lee a few weeks back...if not, click here for a little reminder}

This is a snap of me {left} and two lovely ladies {far left is one of my bridesmaids for next week!}
{The Bridenappers}

Farmboy & Citygirl