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Tips for {Wedding Gift Registries} South Africa

With just under 3 months until our big day (eeeeekkkk!) we have lots of time to think about all the goodies we need to make our place feel like a home. As Farmboy and I don't live together, I stay in a little 1 bedroom flat, and he will move in with me once we are wed (oh I just love the sound of that!). So, this means that at the moment, everything is pretty much pink, pink, and pink (with some beige and caramel colours thrown into the mix). The {very manly} shelf that Farmboy built for me to hold all my varsity files was the start of the transition from *my* space to *our* space, and it's going well, slowly, but well.

So, to help you get your new home kitted out in preparation for marriage, here is a list of our favourite gift registry stores here in South Africa:
{just click on the images below to be redirected to their websites}

The following registries ( Yuppiechef & GrannyGoose) can be set up and managed online, which makes your life so much easier, and it's way more fun to look in the comfort of your own home or favourite coffee shop, than traipsing round the mall!

Yuppiechef also offer free delivery on all orders, anywhere in South Africa :)

If you come across any others, please pop a comment below :)